BMS - 16

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It is Cher's last day in Malibu before flying to New Zealand, and her house is currently filled with laughters and squeals with the occassional cries for she is with the Brosnans to catch up.

"Mommy, Bey Bey said something bad!"Benjamin suddenly came in yelling and Meryl's forehead creased.

"What is that?"Meryl asked as she face her son.

"Bey Bey said she wants to hug you when she is sleepy because your boobies are squishy."Benjamin answered and that elicited laughters from the adults.

"Oh, my God, your kids are just unbelievable and funny as hell."Cher said, still laughing.

"Well, your dad's been working on this boobies for more than sixteen years, too, so you can't blame me."Meryl said and Cher threw her a pillow.

"You're gross!You say that to your children?"Cher asked in disbelief.

"They didn't heard it."Meryl said and the two of them started laughing again.

"By the way, you are gaining weight. What the hell are you doing on your tour?Aren't you suppose to be working on your diet?"Meryl asked all of a sudden.

"I don't know. Am I really gaining weight?I swear, this past weeks, I have been craving for so much food and before I can really avoid them but this time I just can't."Cher answered and Meryl raised a brow.

"And the past week, I also feel nauseous like almost the whole time and when I wake up, I puke, right after the show, I puke, so I don't really know what's happening to me."Cher added.

"Does Andy know what you feel?"Meryl asked.

"Well, I only told him about the nausea but that's it."Cher answered.

"Don't you think you're pregnant?"Meryl asked and Cher's eyes went round.

"Mary Lou, why would you even think that?"Cher asked almost a shout.

"You are seriously growing in an abnormally fast rate. And it is my first time in months that I saw you eat fast food."Meryl answered.

"I can't be pregnant now, Andy is still going through things!"Cher exclaimed.

"Well, if you use condoms you wouldn't be possibly pregnant."Meryl retorted.

"Do you guys use condoms or any birth control pills?"Meryl asked.

"Uhmm n-no. Oh God, we never used condoms or anything."Cher said, doing a facepalm.

"Wanna check it?It's almost dinner time, lesser patient."Meryl said softly.

"But if ever I'm pregnant, I don't wanna tell it to Andy over-the-phone. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and Andy's so busy, I don't wanna disturb him like ever."Cher said and Meryl put her hand on her shoulder.

"Then talk to Andy about it when he can fly over to your tour. He can atleast take a day or two to visit you, you know. All you have to do now is to know what's happening to you because I'm sure that even you, you are aware of the changes in your body."Meryl said softly.

"Can you arrange an appointment this late?"Cher asked and Meryl slowly nodded with a smile.

"And can I steal you from your husband and kids while we check if I'm pregnant."Cher asked and Meryl nodded.

"Of course. And if ever you're pregnant, Benj and Bey Bey are going to be thrilled to have a new playmate."Meryl said with a giggle.

"I know."Cher replied.

"Okay, I got an appointment with my OB, she said, she's clearing everything out already and she'll wait for us."Meryl said and Cher nodded.

"I'll talk to Pierce."Meryl said and Cher just nodded with a smile.

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