BMS - 32

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The next days for Cher are hard, because even if Andy haven't pursued the case yet, Cher have already talked to her lawyer and they are scheduled for arbitration. Not in court yet.

"Cher, you're crazy for doing this."Pauly said as she watch Cher get ready for their first arbitration.

"He asked for this."Cher said before grabbing her purse.

"Cher."Pauly said sternly.

"I have to do this. He didn't know what he asked for."Cher said before going out of the room.

"Mommy, awe you going to Vegath?"Ava suddenly asked when they saw their mother all dressed up.

"No, baby, mommy will just see a friend."Cher answered and she sat on the living room sofa.

"Telly, Fanny, come to mommy for a second."Cher said and the twins ran to her right away. She let the twins sit on her lap, one on each leg and she smiled.

"Always remember that whatever happens, mommy loves you both so much, okay?"Cher said softly and the twins nodded with a hum.

"Mommy, in schoo I aweways teww them that you awe the best mommy evew."Andres uttered and a tear fell from her eye.

"Really?You say that to them?"Cher asked and Andres nodded with a hum.

"And mommy, when my clathmateth athk me, I tell them that you awe the cooletht mommy becauthe you thing and danth in front of many people and you uhmm uhmm you have many colowful cothtume."Ava said and Cher kissed their foreheads as she burst into tears.

"You two are two of the greatest things mommy could ever ask for and mommy loves you both very very much."Cher said and the twins started wiping her tears that made her giggle.

"I wove you, mommy. Don't cwy, pwease."Andres uttered and he kissed his mother on the lips.

"I love you, Chewilyn."Ava said and the three of them started laughing as Cher wipe her tears.

"Mommy will see you both later, okay?"Cher said and the twins just said "okay, mommy." before Cher hugged the two of them tight. The twins gave a last kiss on their mother's lips before she left and Cher is now more than willing to fight because she can't lose them. She knows she can't.

Cher arrived at the place where the arbitration will take place and she is now with her lawyer.

"Cher, remember that their side will try to break your walls and will hit you emotionally. I just want to remind you to not let your emotions take over your sanity."Her lawyer uttered and she nodded. She suddenly saw Andy arriving in the place with his lawyer but she just stared at him.

After a few moments, they are called in the room, and of course, Andy and Cher are sitting at opposite sides.

"Good morning everyone, welcome to arbitration, I'm Eli Stern and I'll be your arbitrator. I know it is a custody battle but I am here to lighten things up so we'll try to not see each other in court."The arbitrator uttered and they all greeted him in chorus.

"Let's start with the plaintiff, please."The arbitrator uttered and Andy's lawyer stood up.

"Sir, I would like to call my client to the stand."Andy's lawyer uttered and Andy stood up right away. Andy sat after he took an oath and his lawyer looked at him.

"Mr. Garcia, let's start with the basics. Did you have a relationship with the defendant?"His lawyer asked.

"Yes."Andy simply answered.

"How long did you and defendant had your relationship?"The lawyer asked.

"Almost three months."Andy answered.

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