BMS - 55

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"Jen, can I have my schedule for the interviews in London."Cher said as she pack her bags for their press tour.

"Yeah, sure. I'll just see them."Jen replied and Cher just nodded.

"Babe, have you seen your schedule already?"Cher asked Andy who is just beside her.

"Yes, almost all my interviews are with you except for the press conference, I think."Andy answered.

"Mommy, Andres locked my room and now my door won't open anymore. My luggage is still in there!"A voice suddenly came in yelling and they are sure that it is their daughter.

"Call Andres here. I'll talk to him."Cher said sternly and Ava just nodded before leaving her parents' room.

"Uhmm guys, you both have an interview for a TV show by the way and they want to talk about your relationship, not just the movie."Jen, Cher's assistant, suddenly uttered as she hand Cher her schedule.

"Uhmm yeah, sure. What else do they want to know?The media knows everything."Cher said as she look at her schedule.

"Mom, I swear I didn't know that Ava's door is broken."A voice suddenly uttered and Cher spun around to see the twins.

"Then tell me how are we going to get your sister's luggages in her room?We are leaving in a few hours and I thought, all we have to do is just rest before we leave."Cher said calmly.

"I can call someone."Andres replied.

"If you know where to call someone that can open your sister's door right now, call him and stop playing around when you know that we are going somewhere important."Cher said and Andres looked at his father.

"Dad, do you know someone?"Andres asked and Cher did a facepalm.

"Andres, I'm so close in getting all your gadgets."Cher said and Andy softly giggled.

"Babe, relax, I'll call someone."Andy said and Cher looked at him.

"No, babe, let Andres do the job because he is the one who locked his sister's room as a joke that now became a problem."Cher said and Andy let out a sigh.

"Okay, okay, I'll give the number to Andres. Just relax."Andy said, kissing her forehead.

"And please Andres, don't bring your jokes in London or I won't be happy."Cher said and Andres just nodded.

"Sorry mommy."Andres said, kissing his mother's cheek.

"Baby, just relax. They are still in their pre-teen years, just let them be childish. And I know Fanny, he knows when he crosses the line."Andy said and Cher hugged his waist.

"They're turning thirteen this year and I don't think I can handle it."Cher said and Andy softly giggled.

"You say that every year, babe."Andy said and Cher looked up.

"I love you, baby."Cher said softy and Andy gave a peck on her lips.

"I love you, more."Andy replied and she widely smiled.

They are now on their private plane on the way to London and Andy and Cher made sure that the twins are not going to argue on the plane because it will be an 8-hour flight and they don't wanna spend it scolding the twins.

"Mommy?"Ava called for her mother as she sit beside Cher.

"Yes, baby?"Cher asked and Ava snuggled on her mother's side that made Cher softly giggle.

"Hey, I was suppose to cuddle with mommy."A voice suddenly uttered and it is Andy that made Ava and Cher laugh.

"Sorry daddy, you're too slow."Ava said and Andy kissed his girls' foreheads before sitting across Cher.

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