BMS - 21

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It is Disneyland day for Cher and she is happy that she'll finally go to the happiest place on Earth, not because of the rides but because of the food. Maybe she will care for the rides and other attraction when her twins are already born.

She is riding with the Brosnans for less hassle, and Meryl is laughing because she complains that she feels like Benjamin and Beatrice's nanny. But if you're wearing patched jeans matched with a sparkly shirt and designer sunglasses, how can you be mistaken for a nanny?And besides, Meryl argued that she's still Cher, no one will ever think that she's a nanny.

"By the way, Benj and Bey Bey, you can't mention that I'm pregnant at public places okay or to whoever. Me being pregnant is a secret."Cher suddenly uttered.

"But we can tell people that uncle Andy is your boyfriend?"Benjamin asked.

"No, that it also a secret. You understand me?"Cher said and the two just nodded.

"Cher, what's the first thing you're eating over there?"Meryl suddenly asked.

"Their churros and forgive me that even if I just tagged along with you guys, I'll drag you to food stalls that will attract me and my children."Cher answered that made Pierce and Meryl giggle.

"Mommy, I want the Mickey Mouse pretzels again."Benjamin suddenly intervened.

"Mommy we will buy Woody?"Beatrice suddenly asked that made Meryl chortle.

"Yeah, we will buy those things that you guys want."Meryl answered.

"How are you and your man, by the way?"Meryl suddenly asked.

"Well, he said that he is doing something today but we will se each other tomorrow and he'll be with me the whole day so I'm excited with that. You know last night, I can feel our babies being happy because they will finally meet their daddy."Cher answered.

"I'm sure Andy will be thrilled with that. Every baby is a blessing and as your friend, I truly am happy that you are blessed with two."Meryl said and it made Cher smile.

"I think that they are really the ones that will connect me and Andy like seriously 'til we die."Cher said and Meryl nodded with a hum.

"Now Andy have six kids and you'll have four."Meryl said and Cher smiled.

"Can you count Benj and Bey Bey to the number of my kids?"Cher asked with a giggle.

"Yeah, I think you can."Meryl said and the two of them laughed.

"How's your trip to Sta. Barbara by the way?I never got to ask you that."Cher said and she checked if the two little ones are still listening intently.

"It was great. I mean, we haven't had the time to be together alone that long in I think almost a year."Meryl said.

"It was like our honeymoon, no kids."Pierce added.

"You should've extended your trip like for a week because I'm still free 'til next week."Cher said and the couple laughed.

"If we have a choice, we would, but I also have work and Pierce need to do something."Meryl replied.

"After this trip to Disneyland, I don't even know what I'll do next week."Cher said with a sigh.

"How about find relaxing things that you can do for you and your babies that won't affect your babies much. Just soothing things to do."Meryl said and Cher hummed.

"I did pregnant yoga when I was pregnant with Beatrice because remember when the doctor said that her heart is weak that's why I stopped to work at my second trimester?Try doing that."Meryl added.

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