BMS - 28

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Just another random day, of just a random dad who currently don't have a project and is staying at home with his two minors while his two eldest daughters are in college.

It's a school day and that means, he is alone for his kids are in school so he decided to just sit on the living room sofa, turn on the television and find a good show to watch. He switched from channel-to-channel but there is nothing that really tickles his likes. He switched to another channel and right away, it caught his eye. His heart started pounding seeing what's on the television and he decided to just watch that show.

"We are back with Cher and Cher, I wanna talk to you about your twins because they are adorable."Ellen uttered.

"Yeah, they are."Cher said and a picture of the twins were suddenly flashed on the huge LED screen that made the audience clap and cheer.

"How old are they now?"Ellen asked.

"They just turned three, two weeks ago and they are just the best."Cher answered.

"In their age, can you already see like who is going to be a star?"Ellen asked.

"Well, my little girl Ava or Telly, she is this quiet, shy, little one who still tries to voice out what she feels and her brother is the opposite of her. Andres or Fanny, he is the loud one, he is not afraid of telling you what he feels, he sets up his own concert at home so, yeah."Cher answered.

Hearing the conversation on the television, curiosity and cofusion sparked in his mind right away. Questions started floating in his head and past scenarios just came flashing in his mind.

*flashback scenarios*

"Hey, baby, how are you?"He asked.

"Just a little naseous."She answered.

"How are you feeling?Are you feeling a little better?"He asked.

"Still naseous but I'm glad I'm not feeling them on-stage or else, I'll pass out."She answered.

"What did you cook?These look amazing."He uttered as he serve himself the food that his girlfriend cooked.

"Just food that satisfy my cravings and food that won't make me feel nauseous."She answered and he just softly giggle.

*end of flashback*

"Was she pregnant when I left her?" He asked himself and his phone suddenly rang that made him snap out of his thoughts. He answered it right away, but his eyes are still glued on the screen.

"Hello?"He answered.

"Hey, Andy, how are you?"The caller from the other line asked.

"Hi, Pierce, I'm good. Just sitting here at home, waiting for the kids to come home from school."He answered.

"By the way, I'm having a party on Saturday with just some of close friends because of my company's success and I was hoping if you can come."Pierce uttered.

"Of course, of course, I will come. Just tell me what time and where."He replied.

"Alright, that's amazing. See you on Saturday."Pierce said and he nodded even if he can't see.

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