BMS - 42

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Cher came home with Dominik, Alessandra and Ava at around five in the afternoon and yes, they are carrying lots of shopping bags that she is sure Andy will be upset about because she once again went overboard in spending her money.

"Daddy!"Ava squealed the moment she saw her father in the living room and she ran to Andy right away. Andy carried her and he kissed her forehead before kissing Dominik and Alessandra's forehead.

"Hey, how are you?Did you enjoy your girls' day, huh?"Andy asked.

"It was amazing and we'll just go to our room, dad to check the things we bought."Alessandra answered that made Cher giggle.

"Okay, fine, I'll call you guys for dinner."Andy said and his two girls left.

"Hi, babe."Andy greeted Cher and he gave a peck on her lips.

"Hey, you guys enjoyed golfing?"Cher asked and Andy nodded with a hum.

"Yeah, I taught Andres how to golf and he is loving it."Andy said and Cher softly giggled.

"Fanny, come here."Cher said and Andres ran to her right away.

"Why aren't you greeting me yet, huh?"Cher asked and she carried him.

"Hi, mommy."Andres greeted that made Cher laugh.

"How about my kiss?Just "hi, mommy?"?Is that it?"Cher asked and Andres started showering her face with pepper kisses.

"Mommy, Gee Gee cawwed."Andres uttered after a few moments.

"What did she say?"Cher asked.

"She said that uhmm uhnmm they wee go hewe with gwandma."Andres answered that made Cher's eyes go round.

"Okay, I'm going to order dinner."Cher said and Andres frowned.

"How about ouw date, mommy?You pwomised!"Andres exclaimed and Cher let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry, baby. How about tomorrow?"Cher asked and Andres looked down.

"But you said when you'we home."Andres said softly and Cher looked at Andy.

"Fanny, don't be like that."Andy said and tears started rolling down the little boy's cheeks.

"But mommy pwomised."Andres retorted.

"Okay, how about after dinner, we'll drive to LA and we'll buy you're favorite ice cream?Just you, me, and Ava."Cher suggested and Andres slowly looked up to her.

"Pwomise?"Andres asked and Cher started wiping his tears.

"Promise, my love. Stop crying."Cher answered and Andres hugged her neck.

"I love you."Cher whispered and Andres kissed her cheek.

"I wove you, too, mommy."Andres replied that made her smile.

"Wanna come with mommy to change her clothes?"Cher asked and Andres nodded.

"I'll just go in our room, okay?"Cher said to Andy and he nodded.

"Okay, babe."Andy replied and Cher smiled.

"Mommy, when I gwow up I wanna be wike you."Andres suddenly uttered as Cher carefully drop her on the bed.

"Really?Are you sure about that?"Cher asked and she entered her closet to change into house clothes.

"Yes, mommy because I want to uhhmm uhmm dance and see othew people."Andres answered.

"But I thought you don't like mommy anymore because you're always with daddy."Cher said and Andres shook his head.

"But mommy I pwomised that even if we have daddy, you awe stee my best fwiend because you awe the best mommy in the wowd."Andres retorted and Cher sat beside him.

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