BMS - 34

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Cher woke up a little bit earlier than usual because she knows that it will take her a lot of time convincing the twins go to the doctor.

"Uhmm, hi?"A voice suddenly called for her that made her spun around. It's Andy.

"Am I uhmm early?"He asked, for Cher is still cooking breakfast.

"Maybe you're just right in time. Uhmm breakfast?"Cher asked and Andy slowly nodded.

"Sure."Andy simply answered.

"The twins are not yet awake so yeah, and I'm sure they'll wake up in about fifteen or twenty minutes."Cher uttered.

"You really know them, huh?Even the time they wake up."Andy said and Cher softly giggled.

"Not really. Sometimes it varies, depends on what they did the night before."Cher said and Andy giggled.

"How are you in the uhmm past three or four years?"Andy asked all of a sudden.

"Just taking care of my children."Cher answered.

"OUR kids."Andy corrected and Cher scoffed.

"For all I know, you ejaculated inside of me, I got pregnant, I caught you lying, I raised my kids for three years. You are biologically their father but you just started to be their father like what?Yesterday?"Cher asked.

"Can we just talk without you slapping it on my face that I lied to you?"Andy asked.

"Is it not what you did?"Cher asked with a hint of sarcasm and Andy heaved a deep sigh.

"Yes, I lied to you and I was so stupid for lying to the woman that I truly love, the woman I wanna spend the rest of my life with, the woman that I will build a family with, the woman I know I will never get tired of because,"Andy paused and Cher stopped what she's doing.

"She listened to me when nobody was listening to me, she never gave up on me when everybody else around me is just falling apart, she understood me when nobody is willing to understand me, and most importantly, she loved me even if I'm messed up, she loved me even if I was going through all that shit in my life."Andy continued and a tear fell from Cher's eyes.

"I know I lied, I know I have hurt you so much but I also had to be there. I had to be there because she was sick, I am the only person she can depend on. I didn't lie because I wanted to. I lied because I was so afraid that you'll think that you are just my other woman and that at the end of the day, I'll still go back to my family but no, you are not that and you were never that. I...I--Why am I even explaining?All you think about now is I lied to you. All you wanna do now is rub it on my face that your children's father is a liar."Andy added and Cher quickly wiped her tears before she started setting up the table.

"You really closed your mind for me, do you?Fine, let's uhmm co-parent for the twins if that what makes you more comfortable."Andy uttered.

"Uhmm c-coffee?"Cher asked, acting like she is not listening to him.

"I can make my own coffee."Andy answered.

"O...kay, what did I uhmm f-forget?The twins high chairs."Cher said and Andy just leaned on the counter to watch her.

"Mommy?"A voice called for her all of a sudden and she breathed in and breathed out before talking.

"Yes, baby?"Cher asked as she carry her little girl.

"Good mowning."Ava answered that made Cher giggle.

"Good morning."Cher replied, kissing her cheek.

"Good morning, daddy."Ava greeted and Andy smiled.

"Good morning, my love."Andy replied.

"Where's your brother?"Cher asked.

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