BMS - 44

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Andy arrived with Ava after a few moments and he arrived home empty handed for he didn't really find the perfect engagement ring for Cher.

"Don't tell mommy where we went, okay?"Andy whispered and Ava nodded.

"Okay daddy."Ava answered and Andy smiled.

"Good girl."Andy uttered.

"Go to Kiki or Dani. Tell them you need to change your clothes."Andy said as she drop his little girl on her feet and Ava just noded before running to where her sisters are.

"Hey, babe."A voice suddenly uttered and it made Andy look up. It is Cher.

"Hi."Andy greeted back and he gave a peck on her lips.

"Are the kids done with the decorations?"Andy asked as he wrap his arms around her waist.

"Yeah and the little kid who is bothering them earlier is now sleeping."Cher answered that made Andy giggle.

"Well, Ava came with me and she didn't do much so she is still hyper."Andy said and Cher softly giggled.

"What did the two of you did downtown?"Cher asked.

"We just grabbed some gears for the car."Andy answered and Cher hummed.

"Wanna rest for a little while?"Andy asked in her ear that made her laugh.

"No. We will help your mom and your sister with the food."Cher said and Andy frowned.

"Please?We'll be quick."Andy said and Cher cupped his face.

"How about I'll just make it as my Christmas gift tomorrow?"Cher suggested.

"How about an early Christmas gift?"Andy asked and Cher rolled her eyeballs.

"How about just a make-out session for a little while?My God, we sound like teenagers."Cher said and the two of them laughed.

"What's wrong with acting like teenagers?Make-out session with a little bit of touching?"Andy asked and Cher laughed.

"Here's the deal, check what your mom and Tessi is doing, tell me what they are and then I'll decide because we approximately have four hours before dinner."Cher said and Andy groaned, burying his face on her neck.

"Just check if they need us. Or you won't get any for a month."Cher said and Andy looked at her.

"Fine, I'll check."Andy said and Cher giggled before Andy left her.

"Hey stupid, what you doing?"A voice suddenly asked and Cher looked her. It is Georganne.

"Nothing. Just talking to Andy. Why?"Cher asked.

"Nothing. I just asked."Georganne answered and Cher rolled her eyeballs at her.

"Can I ask you something about you and Andy?"Georganne asked and Cher's forehead creased.

"You're already asking."Cher answered.

"Are you two ever going to get married?"Georganne asked and Cher went silent for a short while.

"I don't know. I mean, we talk about it sometimes but I think we have to focus on the twins more at the moment. But there is a possibility."Cher answered.

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