BMS - 53

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After Cher left, Andy took over the kids and he knows that he needs someone to vent out what he is feeling so he called their neighbor.

"Pierce, you home?"Andy asked the moment Pierce answered his call.

"Uhhh yeah. Alone with the kids, missus is out."Pierce answered and he softly giggled.

"Looks like we're the same. Missus is also out of the house."Andy said softly.

"You wanna come over for a beer?You can bring Benj and Bey Bey, the twins misses them already."Andy uttered.

"Sure, sure, we'll be there in ten."Pierce said and Andy nodded even if he can't see.

"Okay, see you."Andy said before ending the call.

"Daddy, can you hewp Tewwy with hew haiw because Bones and I don't know how to uhmm tie hew haiw."Andres suddenly uttered.

"Of course, I will help her."Andy said and Ava ran to her father right away.

"Uhmm daddy?"Ava called for her father while he is combing her hair.

"Yes, baby?"Andy asked.

"How do you know that I love you?"Ava asked all of a sudden that made Andy's forehead creased.

"Because you say I love you to me, because you hug me, you kiss me."Andy answered.

"No, daddy, not that becauthe mommy thaid that you can love a pewthon even if you awe not kithing ow hugging ow thaying I love you."Ava said and Andy softly giggled.

"Okay, I'm going to ask you first. How do you know that daddy loves you?"Andy asked and Ava faced him.

"You uhmm you help me with my homewowkth, you take uth to the pawk and to many platheth, you play pwintheth with me even if you awe a boy, you cook food fow me and my bwothews and thithtewth and uhmm you pwomith that you awe not leaving uth and many many mowe."Ava answered and that made Andy's heart melt. He is just too soft for his little girl.

"You are really like mommy."Andy whispered.

"Why?"Ava asked as Andy let her sit on his lap.

"Because you and mommy are too soft for everything. You guys may look like you're stubborn but you two are fragile, sensitive, soft about so many things and that is what I love the most about you and mommy."Andy answered.

"Daddy, you love mommy even if you don't thay I love you ow even if you don't uhmm kith and hug mommy?"Ava asked.

"Yes, so so much."Andy answered and Ava smiled.

"Ava?Andres?"A voice suddenly called for them and that made Ava gasp.

"Benjamin!"Ava squealed before jumping off her father's lap that made him giggle.

"Hey, man."A voice greeted Andy and it is Pierce.

"Hey."Andy greeted as they both do a bro hug.

"I can sense that something is wrong."Pierce said right away as Andy grab two bottles of beer.

"Just an intense fight with the missus and I am just so upset that it's like I don't wanna talk to her for a long time."Andy said and Pierce's forehead creased.

"What happened?"Pierce asked and Andy narrated everything.

"Another issue with the woman who said that I fucked her in a party even if my wife's there."Pierce said with a giggle.

"And the woman got my wife."Andy said before sipping on his beer.

"Andy, do you love your wife more than this misunderstanding?"Pierce asked and Andy nodded.

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