BMS - 36

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After Cher and Andy's kiss, neither of them talked about it anymore. Andy continued to be a co-parent with Cher while he tries to give himself a chance to meet and go out with other girls.

Friday came, and the twins are excited because of their two-day camping trip. Also added the fact that they can't stop talking about it days prior. Cher woke up early for their breakfast and to prepare their things, and it is the first time that the twins woke up not really that grumpy that amazed Cher.

"You guys ready for our trip?"Cher asked as she assist the twins with their breakfast.

"Yes, mommy!"The twins exclaimed and Cher laughed.

"Mommy, is uhmm daddy going with us?"Andres asked all of a sudden.

"I think so. That's what he told me."Cher answered.

"Good morning!"A voice suddenly greeted and the twins gasp.

"Daddy!"The twins squealed and he went near the twins and kissed their foreheads.

"How was my babies' sleep, huh?"Andy asked, sitting beside Andres.

"We awmost didn't sweep daddy because we awe excited."Andres answered and Andy and Cher laughed.

"Okay, eat your breakfast because your auntie Meryl and uncle Pierce are also getting ready."Andy said and the twins just nodded with a huge smile plastered on their faces.

"They really are excited to go camping, huh?"Andy asked Cher.

"Yeah, it's their first time so they're really looking forward to it."Cher answered and Andy smiled.

"How was your date last night, by the way?The twins told me about it."Cher said and Andy softly giggled.

"It was good, I mean, it's already our you know, second date so we are getting to know each other more."Andy said and Cher nodded.

"That's good. You like her that much?"Cher asked again.

"Yeah, I like her but not really that much yet."Andy answered.

"How about you?Back in the dating game?"Andy asked and she shook her head.

"No, don't have time for that. Ava and Andres are my priority and work. And you know that many men out there are you know, scared to like approach me."Cher answered and Andy smirked.

"So I still hold the record of the last man who had the courage to date Cher."Andy uttered and the two of them laughed.

"Yeah, you still hold that record."Cher replied, still giggling.

"By the way, does the twins have tents?"Andy asked.

"Pierce bought uhmm a tent for the kids so the four them will stay in that tent."Cher answered and Andy is nodding.

"How about you?Where are you staying?You can't just be in the couple's tent."Andy said and Cher looked at him.

"Of course, I have my own."Cher said and Andy giggled.

"Can I stay in your tent?"Andy asked and Cher's eyes went round.

"Are you crazy?We can't just be in one tent."Cher answered.

"We're not sharing the bed, we're just sharing the tent."Andy retorted and Cher rolled her eyeballs at him.

"Alright, fine."Cher said and Andy smiled.

After breakfast, of course Cher assisted her three-year-olds in taking a bath and Andy helped her with their things. They all rode the vehicle that the Brosnans rented for their trip and since it will be an almost four hour trip, Pierce and Andy will take turns in driving.

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