BMS - 15

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It is almost Valentine's day and Cher is ecstatic even if she is not sure if Andy will go and see her.

"Pauly, can you ask someone to buy me food? I'm starving."Cher uttered as they settle their things in her dressing room.

"We just ate dinner and you're starving?"Paulette asked in disbelief.

"Yes, seriously and oh, my God, I feel nauseous."Cher answered as she sit on the sofa to rest her head.

"What do you want?"Paulette asked.

"Onion rings and chocolate shake."Cher answered that made Pauly's eyes go round.

"Cher, you are on a diet."Paulette uttered.

"Pauly, I don't care. These past days, I've been eating too much but my costumes still fit so relax."Cher retorted.

"Fine, I'll ask someone to buy you food."Paulette said, standing up.

"And can they also buy a box of Krispy Kremes?"Cher asked.

"Fine, wait for me here."Paulette answered.

Cher just nodded for she really don't have the energy to say something again and while waiting for Pauly, she felt her stomach turning all of sudden that made her stand up and run to the bathroom.

"Cheralini?Someone is already out there buying what you want!"Paulette suddenly yelled as she enter her dressing room again.

"Where are you?Cher?Andy's calling!"Paulette yelled again when she saw her phone just lying on the couch, blinking.

"Bathroom!"Cher screamed with all the energy that she have and Paulette quickly ran to her.

"Oh, my God, what happened?!"Pauly asked when she saw Cher sitting on the floor, in front of the toilet bowl.

"I just felt something."Cher answered as she flush her puke and stood up.

"Andy's calling."Paulette uttered, showing Cher her phone and she immediately grabbed it and answered it.

"Hey, baby."Cher greeted as she grab her toothbrush from her bag.

"Hey, are you getting ready for the show?"Andy asked right away.

"Not yet but we are here in my dressing room already."She answered.

"I'm sorry, I won't be able to go visit you. I'm sure you'll do good later."Andy uttered that made her smile.

"It's okay babe, and thank you. How's your day?"Cher asked.

"It's tiring but it's fine. We got lots of things done today so that's good."Andy answered.

"How about you?You still feel nauseous?"Andy asked and she slowly leaned on the bathroom's door frame.

"Yeah but thank God, I'm not feeling it on stage because when I pass out while performing, I don't know anymore."Cher said and the two of them laughed.

"Papi!"A voice suddenly yelled that she heard and that made her forehead crease.

"Are you with your kids?"Cher asked.

"Yeah, they're visiting."Andy lied. Of course, they are not visiting. He is at their house.

"Your little boy is already calling you, babe."Cher said with a soft giggle.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna call you tomorrow. I miss you."Andy said.

"I miss you, too. Bye, babe. I love you."Cher said with a smile even if he can't see.

"I love you more."Andy replied and he ended the call.

"Cher, you're acting weird these past days."Pauly suddenly uttered as Cher brush her teeth and she just shrugged her shoulders.

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