BMS - 52

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As Andy said, the couple sat with the private investigator and Cher is still feeling the guilt in what she did because Andy is seriously not happy with what's happening.

"So Alyssa Johnson is really Emily Smith. She is a known social climber to many who creates stories with the help of some powerful people that's why her stories have the ability to be published on tabloids sometimes. She changes her name everytime she tries to be in a relationship with elite people and she tries to get married with one."The private investigator uttered.

"How about her baby?"Andy asked.

"She does have a child that was born last year but you are certainly not the father. The father of the child is not from showbiz but she chose to keep her child from that man to claim that it is a celebrity's child so she can have a bigger child support."The man answered.

"Is there a reason why she is claimimg that I am the father?"Andy asked again for Cher really can't talk at the moment. All she is thinking about is her and Andy's relationship.

"You are one of the celebrities who ignored her at a party and she didn't like that."The man answered.

"Okay, that is all we need to know. Thank you."Andy said and the man nodded before he left.

"Hope you have your answers now."Andy uttered and he stood up.

"Babe, please, l-let's talk."Cher daid softly as she hold his hand.

"I'm still taking the kids to the park."Andy said before pulling his hand from hers.

Tears just started rolling down her cheeks because she just made her husband upset. Her husband that she married just a few weeks earlier.

"Mommy?"A voice called for her after a few moments and that made her wipe her tears right away. It is Ava.

"Hi, baby."Cher said and Ava climbed on her lap right away.

"Awe you cwying, mommy?Awe you thad?"Ava asked and Cher softly giggled but she is still sniffing.

"Yes, mommy is sad but mommy is a bit better now because Ava is here."Cher answered and Ava hugged her tight.

"Do you altho have a bad dweam like Fanny?"Ava asked and Cher kissed her forehead.

"Well, it is kind of a bad dream but it is real. It is happening."Cher answered.

"What happened, mommy?"Ava asked.

"Mommy just did something that made daddy upset and mommy is sad because daddy is mad."Cher answered.

"I will not go to the pawk anymowe."Ava said and Cher looked at her.

"Why?It is fun to be in the park."Cher said and Ava buried her face on her mother's chest.

"Becauthe mommy, I don't wanna go when you'we thad."Ava said and it somehow made Cher smile.

"But mommy will go to the park with you so that mommy will be happy again."Cher said and Ava looked up to her.

"Weally, you awe not thad anymowe when go to the pawk?"Ava asked and Cher nodded.

"Ava, time for bath."A voice suddenly uttered and they are sure it is Andy.

"Daddy, I will go to the pawk if mommy ith going to the pawk becauthe uhmm daddy, mommy ith uhmm thad."Ava uttered.

"Who told you that mommy is not going with us to the park?"Andy asked and Ava shrugged her shoulders.

"C'mon baby, time for bath."Andy uttered.

"Mommy, can you uhmm help me take a babath?"Ava asked and Cher stood up, carrying her.

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