BMS - 46

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For the next days after Andy and Cher had a meeting with their wedding planner, the couple juggled their time with their work and their preparations. In their meetings, Andy always tries to be the calm one because Cher is Cher, she wanna say what she really want to say about certain things and even if Andy always remind her that she should not let the stress occupy her head, it is starting to really get into her and Cher coming back to do her Vegas residency just added to the stress she is feeling.

"Babe, Kiki told me to remind you about the uhmm the gown fittings for your entourage."Andy said as Cher prepare to go to Ceasars palace for her show.

"When is that?"Cher asked.

"Monday, I think."Andy answered and Cher stopped what she is doing.

"What?But we have an appointment to see two venues that day!Can't they just move it?Who scheduled that?They should've known what we're doing on my free day."Cher said almost a shout and Andy let out a sigh.

"Okay, okay, relax. You don't have to shout. We can fix it right away."Andy said and Cher sat on the bed.

"Can they just fix it right away?I swear, I am exhausted."Cher uttered and Andy just nodded.

"Call the twins. We're leaving."Cher added and all Andy can do is nod because he really don't wanna meet with her anger and stress.

Once they are in Ceasars Palace, Cher sat on her make-up chair right away but she is still on-the-phone for the things they need for their wedding.

"I've been asking for the possible flower arrangements for days now and I have other things to do than wait for those fucking flowers."Cher uttered before dropping her phone on the table that of course Andy saw.

"Are there anything else that you need to do babe?Just give me their numbers, I'll be the one to do them."Andy said all of a sudden.

"No, it's fine. I can handle."Cher said and Andy let out a sigh.

"Babe, obviously you can't. I've told you a million times, we're helping you. Don't put it all on your shoulder."Andy said and Cher rolled her eyeballs.

"I said I can handle it and if I had a choice I will not even be this stressed out!"Cher exclaimed that made Andy's eyes go round.

"Then if I had a choice, I should've made sure that you really are willing to marry me before putting you in this position."Andy said and Cher looked at him.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"Cher asked.

"You just said that if you had a choice you will not be this stressed out. Well, I hate to break the news to you but when I asked you the answer is either yes or no and "unfortunately" you answered yes."Andy said before leaving her dressing room that made her let out a sigh.

He really isn't mad at her. He understands why she had an outburst but her outburst just triggered something inside him that's why he needed to leave the room for him to cool off.

"Daddy?"A voice called for him all of a sudden that made him spun around. It is his little boy, Andres.

"Yes, baby?"He asked as he carry him.

"Uuhhmm awe you mad, daddy?"Andres asked and Andy softly giggled.

"No, daddy and mommy just had some misunderstandings but daddy is not mad."Andy said and Andres hugged his father's neck.

"You want to buy uhmm ice cweam, daddy?"Andres asked and Andy pinched his nose.

"Alright, let's buy ice cream for you and your sister."Andy said softly.

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