BMS - 1

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Another day overlooking the ocean. Another day of thinking what's gonna happen next as the legend take a break from her tour.

"Cher, you have an invite from Matt Damon."Her assistant uttered the moment she walked in her living room after working out.

"For what?"She asked with forehead creased.

"The premiere of Ocean's Twelve."Her assistant answered.

"When is that?"Cher asked again.

"This Saturday."She answered.

"Tell them I'm going. Call my make-up artist and please call Paulette because I'm going to take a shower."Cher instructed and her assistant smiled.

"Copy that."Her assistant replied.

"Thanks Jen!"Cher yelled as she walk to her room.

Saturday came and Cher got ready with Paulette, her best friend and as her plus one.

"Cher, someone is calling you."Jen, Cher's assistant, uttered as Cher settle in the car.

"Who is it?"Cher asked.

"Meryl Streep."Jen answered and Cher grabbed her phone from her.

"Hello?"Cher uttered.

"Hey, are you coming to the premiere?"Meryl asked all of a sudden.

"Yes, I am. I am on my way actually."Cher answered.

"Oh, that's great. Text me or Pierce when you're there already. We're on our way too."Meryl said and it made Cher smile.

"Alright, I'll take note of that."Cher replied and she ended the call.

When she reached the place she immediately texted Meryl and headed off to the red carpet. She met Matt Damon who invited her and they took a photo together. Matt even invited her to the after-party and she agreed for she wanted to have fun outside the house before she gets back on tour.

At the red carpet, she was not able to meet Meryl but inside the theater she did.

"Hi!"Meryl greeted with glee.

"Hey, been a while."Cher greeted and they kissed each other's cheek.

"Hi, how are you?"Pierce, Meryl's husband, greeted as he kiss her cheek.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. How about you?How is the two of you?The kids?"Cher asked.

"We are fine and the kids are doing well too."Meryl answered with a wide smile.

"And the kids are at their grandma so we have no interruptions tonight."Pierce said and it elicited laughters from their group.

They decided to just settle in their seats after their little chit chat and just enjoyed the new film. When the movie ended, it recieved a lot of applause.

Cher prepared for the after-party but Paulette already bade her goodbye for she needs to go home.

At the after-party, Cher is all-over the place talking to other guests and some of the casts.

"Oh, my God, Elliot!"Cher immediately yelled when Elliot Gould called her. She hugged him and she kissed his cheek.

"How are you?!"Cher asked.

"I'm doing great, I didn't had the chance to talk to you at theater earlier."Elliot said and Cher nodded.

"You did a good job in the movie by the way."Cher uttered.

"Oh wow, thank you so much and I'm glad that you are able to see the film."He replied and Cher smiled.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it especially now that I am on break."She said and they both did some catching up before Cher excused herself to the bathroom.

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