BMS - 17

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Ever since Andy saw Cher at her stay in Malibu, he still feels guilty because he still haven't told her that he is back home and he isn't just busy working but he is also busy taking care if Marivi, who is sick, and his two young ones, Alessandra and Andres who is still in the house with them.

"Hey, are you feeling a litttle better?"Andy asked Marivi as he assist her with her medicine.

"I don't know. I still feel horrible."Marivi answered.

"Is Bones disturbing you here making you feel irritated?"Andy asked and she shook her head.

"No, I think it's fine. He makes me smile so it's good that he comes here."She answered and it made him giggle.

"Andy, are you really happy being here, taking care of me?"She asked all of a sudden.

"I told you, I still care about you. I may treated you wrong in the last days of our marriage but I still care about you. You are my children's mother and without you, I wouldn't have them."Andy answered softly.

"But we interfere in your work. We add a burden to you."She retorted.

"We can't change it, Marivi. You are already sick, it is better if you interfere my work than let Kiki or Dani take care of you. You are still my wife and even if I said that I fell out of love, I still care for you because I've been with you in the past years. That's it."Andy said sternly and silence suddenly filled their atmosphere.

"Andy,"Marivi started, breaking the ice and Andy just hummed.

"You know that I'm terribly sick and whether you like it or not, I'm gonna leave the kids to you. Sooner or later, I'll be gone and it will not be easy with the kids."Marivi added and it made his forehead crease.

"What are you talking about?Gone?Leaving the kids?"Andy asked because he seriously just can't believe what he is hearing from her.

"Andy, we cannot deny the fact that I'm terminally ill and can you please do me a favor?"Marivi asked and Andy shook his head.

"Oh, please. Don't be like that. Bones still need you, Ale still need you, the kids still need you to atleast be there for them and watch them be the people they wanna be when they grow up."Andy answered.

"No, Andy. Please do me this favor."She said softly and she gently held his hand that made him heave a deep sigh.

"I know I'm going to die sooner or later, Andy. Can you please withdraw from the divorce?"She asked and he slowly looked down.

"Andy, you may not admit it but I know that somebody else is making you happy already but you are still here, you still chose to stay with your ex-wife who is close to dying. I won't interfere with your love life but that is all I'm asking."She said almost a whisper.

"The kids can't lose you. Bones is still young to lose you, they are still too young. You leaving them is too soon. That is just not right."Andy said softly.

"Are you gonna do the favor for me?"She asked not really minding what Andy just said.

"You are going to the all those therapies that your doctor said to me. You will fight for the kids. You cannot leave them too soon."Andy said, standing up.

"I'm gonna be out there with the kids for a while and I'll check you here later."Andy said kissing her forehed and she just nodded.

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