BMS - 33

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Cher found the twins still in the living room with snacks in front of them and she smiled knowing that she is not going to lose them.

"Mommy!"The twins yelled when they saw their mother and they ran to her right away.

"Hi, my babies, what did you do while mommy's away?"Cher asked and the twins just started narrating how they ran around the house and played with their toys.

"Wow, mommy's jealous."Cher said and the twins giggled.

"But mommy, we can pway with you now."Andres uttered.

"Yes, we will play but mommy will tell you both something first."Cher said and she let the twins sit on her lap.

"I know you two are still too young to understand everything but what if I...I uhmm tell you that you two have a uhhm uhmm daddy?"Cher asked softly.

"But we only have a mommy."Ava answered.

"Just like Benjamin and Bey Bey, auntie Meryl is their mommy and uncle Pierce is their daddy. With Telly and Fanny, I am your mommy and you both also have a daddy."Cher explained softly.

"Who is ouw daddy?"Andres asked and Cher let out a sigh.

"You already met him. You know sir Andy?"Cher asked and the twins nodded with a hum.

"What if I tell you that he is your daddy?"Cher asked and Andres gasped.

"He is ouw daddy?"Andres asked and Cher slowly nodded.

"But I only like to have a mommy."Ava uttered and she hugged her mother tight.

"You will always have me, baby, but mommy think that it will be better if you have a daddy to also take care of you just like mommy."Cher explained.

"Caww him mommy, pwease?I want to uhhmm uhhmm see him and I wee caww him daddy and in schoo, I can teww my cwassmates that I have a daddy now because they say that I don't have one."Andres uttered and Cher looked at him with forehead creased.

"Why did you just tell me about that now?"Cher asked.

"Because mommy, you said that when uhm uhm when they fight with me I wee be stwong!"Andres exclaimed.

"But I thought no secrets?"Cher asked.

"I'm sowwy, mommy. I pwomise, I wee teww you evewything."Andres uttered and Cher kissed him on the lips.

"Mommy, ouw daddy will not take uth away fwom you?"Ava suddenly asked.

"No, no, mommy will not let that happen, okay?Mommy loves you both more than anything."Cher answered and she kissed her little girl's forhead.

"But Andres, Ava, promise mommy something."Cher said softly and the twins are just looking at her.

"Promise mommy that you two will still be mommy's best friends even if you already have your daddy."Cher said and the twins hugged her tight.

"That's a pwomise, mommy."Andres uttered.

"Pwomithe, mommy."Ava added and Cher smiled.

"So what do you guys wanna do for your uhmm daddy?"Cher asked.

"Awe you going to uhmm caww him, mommy?"Andres asked and Cher nodded with a hum.

"Mommy will just change into house clothes and I'll call your dad for you guys to meet him, okay?"Cher said and the twins just nodded, kissing their mother's cheek before going back to where they are playing.

Cher headed to her room right away, and she let out a sigh. She grabbed her phone from her purse and dialled Andy's number.

"Hello?"He answered and she heaved a deep sigh before talking.

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