BMS - 48

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It is the morning after the wedding and sunlight is starting to fill the couple's room. Andy groaned in annoyance as the light is hitting his face but he just felt something or someone beside him that is making him warm. He slowly opened his eyes as he recall what happened the day before and there she is, her wife. He felt the throbbing pain in his head because he had so much to drink but he still managed to smile because he is now married to his woman.

He wrapped his arms around her waist a little tighter as he try to go back to sleep and she suddenly groaned that made him giggle.

"Good morning, baby."Cher greeted him right away as she look up at him and she planted a light kiss on his chin.

"Good morning, my love."Andy greeted back.

"We still have a flight."Cher uttered, burying her face on his neck.

"For what?"Andy asked with his eyes closed.

"For our honeymoon."Cher answered and she softly giggled.

"We're married."Cher whispered and the two of giggled.

"Yeah, we are."Andy replied before kissing the top of her head.

"Mommy, daddy!"They suddenly heard voices call for them all of a sudden before they heard loud knocks on the door and they are sure it is the twins.

"Maybe it is our calling for breakfast."Cher said before sitting up.

"My head is still aching."Andy groaned and Cher rolled her eyeballs with a chortle.

"You drank too much last night, that's why."Cher said before standing up to open the door.

"Bweakfatht fow you and daddy, mommy."Ava uttered as she and her brother push a cart that contains food into their parents' room that made Cher laugh.

"Daddy, time fow bweakfast!"Andres exclaimed as he jump on the bed to see Andy.

"Tell daddy it's time to wake up, Fanny."Cher said as she sit at the edge of the bed.

"Daddy, mommy said it's time to wake up!"Andres yelled as he start to pinch his father's cheek that is making Ava and Cher laugh.

"Okay, okay, daddy's awake, daddy's awake."Andy said before slowly sitting up.

"Bweakfatht ith hewe, daddy."Ava uttered and Andy rubbed his eyes.

"How about you two?Have you guys eaten?"Cher asked.

"Yeth, mommy. We uhmm ate with gwandma and abuela and Bones and Ale and Dani and Kiki and Gee Gee and Ebaw."Ava answered and Cher softly giggled.

"But can you stay with mommy and daddy while we eat our breakfast?"Cher asked and the twins nodded.

"Did you bring daddy his coffee?"Andy asked and the twins looked at the cart.

"Wook daddy, thewe is coffee!"Andres exclaimed and Andy giggled before grabbing the cup of coffee.

"Mommy, Pauly thaid to uth that you and daddy awe leaving latew."Ava suddenly uttered as Cher and Andy start eating their breakfast.

"Yes baby, but mommy and daddy will be gone for just five days. That will be fast."Cher said and Ava frowned.

"Whewe awe you going mommy?"Andres asked.

"We're going to uhmm Maldives."Andy answered.

"What awe you going to do thewe?Awe you going to thing and danth thewe, mommy?"Ava asked and Andy and Cher laughed.

"No baby, mommy and daddy will just relax without you guys and work."Cher said and Ava just nodded.

"Okay, mommy."Ava said softly and Cher kissed her forehead.

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