BMS - 11

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Realizing what's he's been doing wrong in his and Cher's relationship, he packed enough clothes and headed to Cher's house. It's almost four o'clock in the morning but he doesn't care. Sure he is exhausted already but he is willing to skip his sleep just to make things right between him and Cher.

When he arrived at her house, he headed straight to her room and found the bedside lamp, still on. Andy slowly sat beside her and stared at her. She is still dressed so she probably forgot to change. He quietly walked to her closet, and he grabbed her comfortable nighties before going back to where she is.

"Babe?"He whispered as he started stroking her hair.

"Cher, babe."He whispered again and that made her stir. She groaned in annoyance and she slowly opened her eyes.

"What?"Cher asked, really annoyed, still not syncing in that it is Andy.

"You need to change your clothes."Andy answered softly and that's when she realized that there is Andy.

"Andy?"She asked and he nodded.

"Yes, it's me."He answered and that made her sit up and hug him tight.

"You came."She whispered and Andy felt that guilt for even at this time, she still hoped for him.

"I'm sorry."He whispered and she slowly pulled back. He cupped her face and he started caressing her cheeks with his thumb whilst kissing her forehead.

"C'mon, let's clean you up. You're probably in this clothing for hours now. Sorry for disturbing your sleep."Andy uttered and he helped her stand up. They both headed to her bathroom, and he let her sit on the countertop.

"I'll just clip your gorgeous long hair."Andy uttered as he clip her hair up.

Andy slowly lifted her shirt over her head and he helped Cher remove her leggings, leaving her in her matching, lace brassiere and panties that he drools over.

"Okay, I'll just get a soft towel."He uttered as he scan one of her drawers. Cher just kept mum and she just watched him go and about to take care of her.

"Found it."He uttered and he folded the towel before making it damp. He started wiping her arms, then her chest, and then her back for he is sure that she really doesn't want to take a shower at this time.

"Where's your make-up remover?"Andy asked after wiping her body and she just pointed the cabinet beside the mirror. He quickly opened it and started reading the bottle labels.

"Got it."He uttered after a few moments and she just softly giggled. He poured a righteous amount of the liquid solution on a cotton pad, and started wiping it on her face, gently.

"No more make-up and your face can breathe now."Andy uttered and she just nodded.

"Wait, I forgot your nighties on the bed."Andy said and he quickly ran out of the area and ran back to the bathroom, holding her nighties. Andy unclipped her brassiere and he wore the nighties on Cher. She jumped off the countertop, removing her hair clamp and Andy smiled at her.

"Now, you can sleep more comfortably."Andy said softly and the two of them headed back to the bed.

"Comfortable?"Andy asked as he cover her with the comforter and she nodded. He settled himself beside her but she turned her back on him. It made Andy heave a deep sigh and all he did is to hug her from behind.

"I'm sorry."He whispered, his forehead meeting her nape.

"I love you. I'm in love with you, please remember that."Andy whispered again.

"What happened?Where have you been?"Cher asked all of a sudden.

"I was on my way here when Marivi called. She told me that the kids wanted to spend Christmas with me. I asked her if we can all just be together on New Year but she said that it will be the last time that she'll allow the kids to see me before court hearings starts that's why I had no other choice but to go there."He narrated and she slowly nodded.

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