BMS - 41

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Andy and Cher cleaned up the living room after about two movies and the twins are already asleep. Good thing, Dominik and Alessandra volunteered to tuck them properly to bed.

"Daniella don't like me."Cher uttered almost a whisper as they settle on their bed.

"I will talk to her."Andy said and Cher let out a sigh.

"I was suppose to take your girls out tomorrow to atleast bond with them. I should've not assumed that everything will go smoothly just because Kiki and Ale like me."Cher said and Andy gently dragged her towards him for her to be on his arm.

"Dani will like you eventually. She's just really going through things and her sisters and I are finding a way on how to you know, ease her pain."Andy said softly.

"Do you think she still wants to be with me and her sisters tomorrow?"Cher asked.

"Yeah. Even though her sisters and her had some misunderstandings earlier, she'll still go because she can't resist them, they are her best friends."Andy answered.

"How about you take the girls out and I'll take the boys out."Andy suggested and Cher nodded.

"Okay, that's a good idea."Cher said and Andy kissed her forehead.

"Give Dani time, okay?Ale, Kiki and I are here for you two."Andy said softly and Cher smiled.

"I love you."Cher said as she look up.

"I love you, more."Andy replied and she widely smiled. Andy suddenly lifted Cher's left hand that made her forehead crease and he started caressing her ring finger that is currently bare.

"Will you spend the rest of my life with me?"Andy whispered and Cher softly giggled.

"Yes, of course. Right now, you're the only man that I can see spending the rest of my life with."Cher answered and Andy interwined his hands with hers.

"Do you think we should uhhmm move in together?"Cher asked and Andy looked down at her.

"Yeah. I will talk to the kids, I'm sure it will be okay for them. And we have enough rooms for everyone, right?"Andy said and Cher nodded with a hum.

"I wanna be with you everyday. Not living with you is making me feel like we're still having an affair."Cher said and Andy planted a soft kiss on her lips.

"We will move in together."Andy said against her lips.

"Can we talk about changing the twins' last name?"Andy asked all of a sudden.

"We will change their last name if their new last name is going to be my last name, too."Cher answered and Andy chortled.

"Okay, deal."Andy said and the two of them laughed.

"Uhmm about our Christmas, I'll still talk to my family about it because I am really thinking of spending it in Florida, where your family is."Cher said and she slowly went on top of him.

"Okay, babe. And I'll call them there to let them know that more people are joining the Christmas riot."Andy said and Cher smiled.

It is early in the morning and Cher suddenly felt something heavy in between her and Andy.

"Mommy."A teeny tiny voice started calling for her.

"Mommy."That voice called for her again and it made her groan.

"Fanny, it's still early."Cher groaned.

"Why awe you not weawing cwothes, mommy?"Andres asked that made Cher's forehead creased.

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