BMS - 19

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Andy just got home from the party and he can't stop thinking about Pierce's words. He is right. Cher have sacrificed a lot of things for their relationship and for the past days, all he did was lie to her. Andy tried to call Cher for he knows that it is still early at her place.

"What?"Cher asked the moment she answered the call that made him heave a deep sigh.

"Hey, baby. I know you are upset at me because of what happened but baby, I promise, I didn't mean to do that."Andy said softly and somehow, that explanation alone softened Cher.

"Fuck, pregnancy."Cher said to her self and heaved a deep sigh.

"Then what happened. Just tell me."Cher said and Andy slowly nodded even if she can't see.

"Okay, I was with them because the kids needed me."Andy said and he hit the bed because he's suppose to tell her the truth, the whole truth, but then, something inside him is pulling him back.

"I love you and I don't know if I am in the place to say this but I don't want you to do that again especially now that I'm so far away."Cher said softly.

"I love you, more babe."Andy replied that made her smile.

"I'll stay home for three weeks after my last show, are you going to be with me?"Cher asked all of a sudden.

"Maybe not for the whole three weeks but I'll try to be with you as much as I can. You know that I can't resist you."Andy answered and she smiled.

"I love you, and I can't wait to see you. I'm sleeping now."Cher said with a smile.

"I love you, more, mi amor."Andy replied before ending the call.

"Shit."Andy whispered under his breathe after their call for his guilt is once again creeping up his mind.

For the next days, their relationship is back on track the way it was on track before they had that fight. Well, Cher thinks they are on track.

Paulette dealt with all her cravings, her outbursts, and all her morning sickness while they're on tour for in their crew, only Pauly, Bob, and Jen know about her pregnancy. While in Australlia, Cher managed to have a check-up for her twins and so far, so good. She did all her shows with all the energy that she have even if her energy is a little laid back than usual but still, she got through all of them prefectly.

"What's your plan when we get home?"Paulette asked Cher the moment they settled on the plane for they are finally going home.

"I don't know. Andy just said that in my first week, he's flying to Europe then after Europe, they have three days in Canada. I just don't know what to do. Maybe I'll just sleep, and I'll tryna look for safe pregnant women workouts."Cher answered and Paulette's jaw dropped.

"Don't tell me we're still going to work out even if you're pregnant."Paulette uttered and Cher looked at her.

"Of course, we are. I still need to stay fit and not just be this pregnant woman who grows in front of your eyes."Cher retorted.

"Fine, fine, I know you get more irritated these days so okay, we're going to work out."Pauly said and Cher giggled.

"But of course, I won't forget my godchildren and my honorary kids who happen to live next door."Cher uttered.

"Are you gonna tell Jessie Jo?"Pauly asked.

"Of course, I am. She'd be thrilled."Cher answered.

"And I'm gonna spend my time babysitting for the Brosnans, I'm sure Meryl would be happy. She might have another baby after the three weeks that I'll be home."Cher said and the two of them laughed.

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