BMS - 7

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Andy rushed back to his hotel the moment Marivi is out of his sight, and when he got there, Cher is all-packed with tears streaming down her face that she can't stop.

"Babe, baby, no, don't leave."Andy said and he blocked her way.

"Andy, I'm leaving. Your wife needs you."Cher uttered, walking to his right for her to get to the door.

"Baby, please."Andy whispered and he hugged her tight from behind.

"I didn't know she was coming. I didn't know."Andy tried to explain but Cher only cried harder.

"She came, she surprised you because she needs you."Cher uttered, with her voice cracking.

"No baby, no, she doesn't need me but me, I need you."Andy said and Cher shook her head.

"No, please, just go to her."Cher whispered and she faced him.

"I need you."Andy whispered and he cupped her face.

"She wanted to comeback but I told her that I don't love her anymore."Andy explained and Cher looked down.

"Is that all she did?"Cher asked, praying that it won't get worst.

"She...Sh-she...she kissed me."Andy answered and Cher removed his hands on her cheeks.

"And you expect me to be okay with that?"Cher asked almost a shout and she quickly stormed out of the room.

Andy kicked the table and he is mad at himself. He should've seen this coming and that truly disappoints him. And now, the woman that he loves truly just left because of him.

Cher immediately headed back to California and she is broken. She was in bliss the past three days but in a snap, she is in a living hell with all the pain she is feeling. She dropped her bags the moment she stepped inside her house and she doesn't know where to start. She can't call Paulette now for she is not home, she is on vacation with her family and she won't be back 'til Christmas day. She needed someone and even though she's hesitant, she called her neighbor.

"Hello?"A voice from the other line uttered lazily.

"M-Merl?"She called for her, stuttering and sniffing.

"For pete's sake, what happened to you?"Meryl asked almost a shout.

"C-Can you come over?"Cher asked.

"It's almost 4 in the morning but yeah. I'll be there in ten minutes and we'll talk about it."Meryl said sternly and Cher nodded as if she can see.

"I'll wait for you then."Cher uttered almost a whisper before ending the call. Her phone started ringing again and it is from Andy. She ignored the call and decided to just sink in her bed. Her phone rang continuously for almost ten minutes but she pretended that it isn't there even if she wanted to answer it.

Cher suddenly heard a knock on the door but she didn't leave her bed.

"Come in!"She yelled weakly and she heard her door slowly open.

"Hey, Cherilyn."That voice greeted.

"Hey. Sorry for disturbing you."Cher said and Meryl sat beside her.

"What happened?"Meryl asked and Cher licked her lips before answering.

"I came to watch his show and then his wife showed up and he said that she is asking for reconciliation and then he said that she kissed him."Cher narrated and tears started rolling down her cheeks again.

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