BMS - 10

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Andy prepared his clothes for Cher's Christmas dinner and he wanted to look presentable as he can be. Cher will only introduce him as her good friend but still, he wanted to look good for his lady. He didn't wanna leave Cher's home early but he did some last minute Christmas shopping.

When his time to go to Cher's house came, he sprayed on his cologne and fixed his hair. On the way to Cher's house, the music in his car is only hers and he is hyped because he is going to actually celebrate Christmas with her. His phone suddenly rang halfway through his drive and he didn't even bother looking at who it is. He just simply pressed the button on his bluetooth earpiece.

"Hello?"He answered as he turn down the volume of his music.

"Andy, it's me Marivi."The caller uttered and it made his eyes go round.

"What do you want?"He asked.

"Not me but the kids. They begged me to call you and invite you for Christmas."She answered and with that, he knew he is in trouble.

"Where are you?"Andy asked.

"Burbank."She answered and Andy nodded as if she can see.

"Can't the kids see me at New Year?"Andy asked.

"Andy, this is the last time that I'll allow the kids to see you before the court hearings start."Marivi answered sternly and Andy did a facepalm. He heaved a deep sigh and he talked again.

"Alright, alright, I'll be there."Andy uttered and ended the call. He hit his stirring wheel in disappointment but it is his kids and this is his chance to be with them before their custody battle begin however, he promised Cher that he'll be at her gathering.

He arrived at the place where his kids are after almost an hour drive, and they are there.

"Papi!"A voice yelled and it is Andres who is still undressed and just wearing his nappies, running towards him.

"Hey, Bones."Andy greeted as he carry him.

"Why is Bones still undressed for Christmas?"Andy asked and his little boy just giggled.

"Hey, papi!"Two voices greeted and it is Dominik and Daniella.

"Hi, my babies."Andy greeted them and he kissed their cheeks.

"Wheres Ale?"Andy asked and they pointed their kitchen. He quickly headed to their kitchen and looked at Alessandra.

"Wow, my baby's helping her mama cook."Andy said and Alessandra looked up.

"Papi!"She squealed and she hugged Andy. Andy kissed the top of her head and Andres who is in his arm copied him.

"Can I help in cooking?"Andy asked and she nodded.

"I'm still scared to cook the steak in the grill."She answered and it made Andy chortle.

"Alright, I'll do it."Andy said and she widely smiled.

"Dani, can you get Bones for a while?"Andy asked and Daniella went near him.

"Bones, be with Dani and Kiki, help them decorate okay?"Andy whispered and Daniella immediately carried Andres.

Andy headed on helping Alessandra cook their dinner, and he even forgot to call or text Cher on what's happening. Their family had a usual dinner, not even talking about the divorce and they had some games after. Before midnight, the family started creating some gingerbread houses.

"Papi, I want presents!"Andres suddenly uttered while he is assisting Alessandra and Daniella.

"No, we'll wait until it's midnight."Andy uttered and Andres started running around the table again.

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