BMS - 30

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"Tell me who the twins' father is."Andy said, looking straight into her eyes.

"Why would I tell you?"Cher asked almost a shout.

"Because I want to know."Andy answered calmly.

"Why would you want to know?"Cher asked.

"Were you pregnant when I left you?"Andy asked and she stepped backwards for he is getting closer and closer to her.

"Cher, just tell me if I am their father or no, because if I am, I wanna be a father to them. It was our dream, remember?"Andy said softly.

"Even if you are their father, I won't ever let you in my life again, Andy."Cher answered with gritted teeth.

"Then tell me. Look straight into my eyes and tell me I am not their father and I will let you go back in the party without bothering you and the twins."Andy said and it made Cher gulp the lump on her throat.

"You are not their father, Andy."Cher said without looking at him and Andy smirked.

"I said say it straight into my eyes that I am not their father."Andy said and Cher heaved a deep sigh before looking straight into his eyes.

"You,"Cher started and Andy hummed.

"Y-You,"Cher whispered and tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"Mommy!"A voice suddenly yelled that made Cher look down and wipe her tears right away. It's Ava.

"Yes, baby?"Cher asked looking at her daughter and she bowed a little to be eye-level with her.

"I got you thome ithe cweam, mommy."Ava answered and she kissed her mother on the lips.

"Awee baby, you're so sweet."Cher said and she carried her little girl.

"You like thith ithe cweam, mommy?"Ava asked as Cher eat some and she nodded with a hum.

"Yes, mommy loves it."Cher answered and Ava giggled.

"Thewe ith altho many mallowth inthide mommy and uhmm uhmm m&m'th and mowe chocolateth mommy."Ava narrated and Cher gasped.

"That is amazing because mommy and Telly and Fanny, loves chocolate, right?"Cher said and Ava eagerly nodded.

"I want to tathte all of them but uncle Piewthe thaid that it ith bad for my teeth."Ava said and Cher laughed.

"But that is true. When you eat so much chocolate, it will be bad for your teeth and your teeth might fall off."Cher said and Ava nodded.

"But mommy you didn't thee Fanny'th fathe a while ago. He have chocolate on hith nothe and on hith fathe, there many of them!"Ava uttered and the two of them started laughing.

"Did he wipe it off?"Cher asked and the little girl shook her head, still laughing.

"Auntie Mewyl wiped it off."Ava answered.

"I didn't know that she is also talkative."A voice suddenly interevened and of course, it is Andy, who have been watching the mother-daughter duo interact.

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