BMS - 38

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Cher woke up early and she felt warm and cozy. She somehow felt home. She smiled with that feeling and she slowly spun around to face him. She looked up to see his face and he really is still there, hugging her, wanting to be with her.

"I'm going to melt."He suddenly uttered, still with eyes closed and she softly giggled.

"Good morning."Cher whispered and he kissed her forehead.

"Good morning, my love."Andy greeted back.

"You really wanna do this with me now?No turning back?"Andy suddenly asked and the two of them giggled.

"The moment I knew that I am pregnant with the twins, I was already sure that there is no turning back from you."Cher answered and Andy pressed his lips against hers.

"I love you."Andy whispered against her lips and Cher smiled.

"I love you, too."Cher replied.

"Cher, I know you're already awake, help me cook breakfast."A voice suddenly uttered that made the two of them laugh.

Cher went out of their tent right away and Meryl is at their cooking area.

"You're up early cowgirl?"Cher asked and Meryl rolled her eyeballs.

"Oh God, shut up."Meryl said and Cher laughed.

"If you're going to ride your husband, remember to turn off the light."Cher said as she start helping her.

"I'm guessing you enjoyed that free show."Meryl said and Cher giggled.

"That was gross. A free porno show of my friends slash my children's godparents?Eew."Cher said and Meryl giggled.

"Why not try it with your baby daddy so you won't be the only one teasing here?"Meryl asked.

"Well, we almost did but I need more space so I'm choosing to do it at my house."Cher answered.

"You're not even in a relationship, how can you say that?"Meryl asked and Cher smiled cheekily.

"How sure are you of that?"Cher asked and Meryl gasped.

"You two got back together?"Meryl asked and Cher noded with a hum.

"Because, he promised that we will make it work again this time."Cher answered.

"Oh, my God, I'm so happy for you!"Meryl exclaimed.

"We'll try to work things out. Not just for us but also for the twins."Cher said and Meryl smiled.

"That's amazing, Cher. I am full support of you two, I swear."Meryl said and Cher softly giggled.

"Thank you. All I have to think about now is my family."Cher said almost a whisper.

"Oh, c'mon, they will understand you. As long as you're happy, I know that they will understand and respect your decision."Meryl said and Cher smiled.

"Good morning, baby."A voice suddenly uttered and it is Pierce who started kissing his wife.

"Woah, woah, I've seen enough of you two."Cher said and Meryl and Pierce giggled.

"What?I'm just kissing my wife."Pierce said and Cher rolled her eyeballs.

"You're being sweet because you chose to be lazy last night?"Cher asked.

"No, Meryl chose what you saw last night."Pierce said and Meryl frowned.

"You know what?Fuck you."Meryl said, looking at her husband.

"Baby, why don't you ride me tonight?"Meryl asked, mimicking Pierce and Cher started laughing.

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