BMS - 23

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It is Cher's last three days in Malibu, and eversince her and Andy broke up, she's just finding things to distract herself from thinking about their relationship. She focused on going to to the doctor to check her babies' heart, she work out with Pauly, she go out with her friends, she babysit Benjamin and Beatrice, but the one thing that she needed to do is tell her mother, her sister, and her kids about what's happening to her that's why Pauly and her planned a nice get together for lunch for all of them.

"Hey, you ready to tell them?"Pauly asked as she help Cher get ready.

"I don't really know. It's noticeable that I'm gaining weight but can you really tell that I'm pregnant?"Cher asked as she lift her shirt in front of the mirror.

"Oh, yeah, there's my baby bump."Cher said before Pauly can even answer her.

"But with all the clothes you're wearing, you can't really notice that cute bump."Pauly said and Cher caressed her growing baby bump.

"At 12 weeks with twins, not bad."Cher said with a soft giggle.

"Hang in there my loves, mommy will let you two grow in there. Make some space, no fighting."Cher said and Pauly and her just started laughing.

"How's your heart?"Pauly suddenly asked and Cher looked at her.

"I still miss him and I still love him. I still feel the pain even if I distract my self from thinking about it but maybe that's our fate, you know. The important thing is I have these two li'l angel growing inside me."Cher said and Paulette smiled.

"I can't wait for you to get back on stage and do what you love."Pauly said and Cher nodded with a hum as she sit at the edge of the bed.

"Three more weeks on the road and we're just gonna focus on these two, nothing else but these two."Cher said with a smile.

"When's your due again?"Pauly asked.

"Due of what?"A voice suddenly asked that made Cher and Pauly look at who it is.

"Gee!"Pauly squealed and she hugged her.

"Hi, stupid. You're early."Cher said and Gee Gee crawled onto Cher's bed.

"What due are you two talking about?"Georganne asked and Cher looked at Pauly before looking at her sister.

"I know you're going to kill me,"Cher started and it made Georganne's forehead crease.

"I am pregnant."Cher added and Georganne gasped.

"Oh, my God, really?"Gee Gee asked and Cher nodded.

"With a married man."Cher uttered and Georganne's wide smile quickly dropped into a frown.

"Are you kidding me?"Georganne asked and Cher shook her head.

"Oh, my God, you are so stupid. You have an affair with a married man?"Gee Gee asked almost a shout and Cher licked her upper lip.

"I HAD an affair with a married man."Cher answered.

"So, he chose his wife?"Gee Gee asked.

"I made that choice, Gee."Cher answered.

"What were you even thinking?God, mom is going to kill you-you stupid bitch."Georganne uttered.

"I know, she is."Cher replied.

"You're raising your child alone?"Georganne asked.

"Yeah, I'm raising my CHILDREN alone, stupid."Cher answered and Gee Gee's forehead creased.

"How many are in there?"Georganne asked as Cher show her-her baby bump.

"There's two in here."Cher said and Gee Gee gasped as she touch her baby bump.

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