BMS - 22

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"Hey, stop crying. It's bad for your babies."Meryl softly uttered as she rub Cher's back for they are currently in Cher's bedroom, and eversince they got home from Disneyland, she's been crying heart out.

"H-how can he lie to me for that long?I have given him lots of chance to tell me the truth, to tell me what's happening but how did he manage to make me look like a fool for that long?"Cher asked and Meryl heaved a deep sigh.

"Cher, I don't know how to answer that because I am not him but I am sure there's something, there's a reason and first reason is that he is afraid that when you find out, you will freak out."Meryl answered.

"Of course, I will freak out but his wife is sick for pete's sake and he needed to take care of his kids, I will understand all of that but still, he chose to make me look like a fucking fool, fantasizing about what our life will be with the twins."Cher said sternly.

"So are you going to tell him about the twins?"Meryl asked and Cher shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. Does a liar deserve to know?I don't want my children to live in the dark like me, waiting for their father's attention. His attention that only limits in my house and not outside where everybody watches you."Cher asked.

"I don't want my babies to feel like they're fighting for their place in their father's life. My children don't deserve that."Cher cried out and Meryl is just rubbing her back.

"This fucking hurts. I fell for him head over heels and this is what I get in return. I should've just listened to all of you in the beginning that this relationship is not a good idea. I should've realized sooner that even if he's getting a divorce, we're still on fire, and someone will still get hurt."Cher added and her tears are just non-stop.

"You know what I know?"Meryl asked.

"What?"Cher asked, still crying.

"Without him, you won't have your babies now."Meryl answered almost a whisper.

"My babies don't deserve to live without their father but why did this have to happen to them?"Cher asked and Meryl shrugged her shoulders.

"Everything happens for a reason Cher but try to open your mind with his explanation. I know right now, you are hurting as hell but just try to listen to him because I know that he listens to you."Meryl answered.

"I don't even know if I can face him without the urge of slapping him. I don't even know if I can look at him straight into his eyes without thinking about all his lies."Cher replied.

"You don't have to look at him completely, just lend your ears to him."Meryl said and Cher slowly wiped her tears.

"My mom and Gee Gee will kill me because of this shit."Cher suddenly uttered.

"But I'm sure they'll forgive you, Georgia's going to be a grandma again, are you crazy?The people who will understand you the most is your family and that's your mom and your sister."Meryl said.

"Sure, they will be mad at you at first but if they found out that you're pregnant, they will be thrilled the way we are excited."Meryl added and Cher slowly nodded.

"I'm hungry. Can you order something?"Cher suddenly asked that made Meryl laugh.

It's the day after Cher found out almost everything about Andy. Meryl stayed with her to comfort her and she also decided to call Pauly for more support and for more scolding.

"I really don't feel good today. I hate this freaking feeling."Cher said as she sit on her living room sofa.

"Well, I ordered more food for you. Look at your living room with pizza boxes and chinese take-outs and jack and the box."Meryl said and Cher groaned.

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