BMS - 35

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Cher allowed Andy to see the twins almost everyday unless he is working, and he also got the chance to explain everything to his children and to let his four older kids to know the twins.

At the moment, the twins are sleeping over at Andy's so Cher is having a girls' night with Pauly, Meryl, Loree, Laurie, and more of her girlfriends for them to unwind without the kids.

"Here's to us powerful, roaring ladies!"Laurie exclaimed as she raise her shot glass and all of them raised their glasses, too.

"Yes!"They squealed before they took a shot.

"No kids night!"Cher yelled as they raise another shot and they all laughed.

"No kids and husband!"The ladies squealed with laughter before they took another shot.

"I don't have a fucking husband!"Cher uttered.

"But you got knocked up."Loree retorted and all of them started laughing.

"I did get knocked up, with twins."Cher said, still laughing.

"C'mon, let's dance and maybe you'll fund a man."Laurie uttered and they all just left their area and went to the dance floor.

The ladies squealed as they enjoy the dance floor as the night goes deeper and deeper. When they all decided to go home, they are all a drunken mess, going out of the club laughing with some of their make-up just falling off their faces because of sweat and the tears of laughing. They all rode Laurie' limousine, and yes, there are still liquor in the vehicle so their party doesn't stop yet.

"God, I miss the twins."Cher suddenly uttered.

"No, it's your night to take a break from being mommy Cher."Meryl uttered and Cher laughed as they let her drink a shot.

"Mommy Cher!"Cher yelled and they all just started laughing.

"So, did you find a possible husband on the dance floor?"Loree asked Cher all of a sudden.

"No!"Cher answered before sipping on her glass.

It is early in the morning, and Andy just arrived at Cher's house with the twins because they already miss their mother. The twins ran into the house and they found Cher on the living room sofa, still sleeping.

"Mommy?"Ava whispered as she move some of Cher's hair that's blocking her face.

"Mommy, we'we home."Ava whispered again and Cher groaned.

"Hi, mommy. Awe you okay?"Ava asked and Cher slowly opened her eyes.

"Hi, baby."Cher greeted almost a whisper.

"Awe you okay, mommy?"Ava asked as she carefully climb on top of her mother.

"Yes, baby, mommy is okay but my head is a little ouchy."Cher answered and Ava kissed her on the lips.

"You want uhm uhmm medithine, mommy?"Ava asked and Cher rubbed her back.

"No, I'm okay. Where's your brother?"Cher asked.

"He ith uhmm in the kitchen with daddy."Ava answered.

"Okay, mommy will just take a shower. Can you uhmm ask your dad if he can make coffee for mommy?"Cher asked as she slowly sit up.

"Okay, mommy."Ava answered and she ran to the kitchen right away while Cher head straight to her room.

After Cher's refreshing shower, she headed straight to the kitchen and the twins are there with Andy.

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