BMS - 29

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Cher and the twins arrived at the party, and there is a mini red carpet where a couple of photographers will take your photo.

"You want mommy to carry you, or you will just hold mommy's hand?"Cher asked as she a bow a little to be eye-level with Ava.

"I will juth hold youw hand mommy."Ava answered and Cher looked at Andres next.

"How about you?Mommy will carry you or I'll just hold your hand?"Cher asked.

"I wee howd youw hand."Andres answered and Cher nodded.

"Okay, let's go."Cher said and they walk straight to the photographers with the twins holding each of Cher's hand. The twins are smiling for ear-to-ear until they reached the end and Cher is proud of the two.

"You did good, my loves."Cher said as she fix Ava'a pigtails and the ribbon on her hair.

"Benjamin!"Ava suddenly yelled and she ran to Benjamin right away.

"Hi, Telly!"Benjamin exclaimed as he carry her.

"Hi, Benj, you look good."Cher said as she kiss his cheek.

"I know."Benjamin uttered and Cher playfully hit his arm whilst laughing.

"Hey, Mr. Andres Estefan, you look amazing tonight."Benjamin said and Andres and him did a high-five.

"I wook handsome?"Andres asked.

"Yes, you look handsome."Benjamin answered.

"Wanna go to your table?"Benjamin asked Cher and she just nodded.

"Your table is beside ours."Benjamin said as he guide them there.

"Where is Beatrice?"Cher asked as she let Benjamin sit.

"She is with dad, I think."Benjamin answered.

"How about your mom?"Cher asked.

"Uhmmm she is by the bar."Benjamin answered.

"Can you look over the twins while I see your mom?"Cher asked.

"Don't worry, they can roam around the place and they won't get lost."Benjamin said and Cher looked at where she let Andres sit.

"Where is Andres?"Cher suddenly asked and Benjamin quickly looked at where Andres was sitting before roaming his eyes.

"He is now George Clooney's best friend."Benjamin answered and Cher looked at where he is looking.

"Oh, my God, where did he get that confidence to just talk with these big stars?"Cher asked and Benjamin just giggled.

"Alright, I'm going to your mom."Cher said and Benjamin just nodded before Cher went to the bar where she found Meryl.

"Hey, what you doing here this early?"Cher asked before she ordered a glass of Dr. Pepper.

"I didn't know that almost everyone that's here are men. Bey Bey is attached to his father. I am done greeting the women and I'm not that close to them."Meryl answered that made Cher laugh.

"Well, my child is already friends with George Clooney so, how can you top that?"Cher asked and the two of them laughed.

"Andres can do that?"Meryl asked and Cher nodded as she sip on her Dr. Pepper.

"Hey."A voice suddenly uttered and it made the look at who it is. It is Pierce with Beatrice in his arms.

"Hi!"Cher greeted and Pierce kissed her cheek.

"Hi, you look stunning."Pierce said and Cher smiled.

"You, too. And Bey Bey, you look beautiful."Cher said and the little girl giggled.

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