BMS - 31

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It's the morning after the party and Cher woke up by the ray of sun hitting her face. She groaned in annoyance but she managed to open her eyes and yes, her head is throbbing because of hangover.

"How did I even get home?"She whispered under her breathe.

She slowly stood up to go to the bathroom and she took a shower right away. She put on her house clothes after her refreshing shower, and she is still trying to remember how she got home. Cher went out of her room to go check the twins in their room, but they are not there, that made her forehead crease. She headed to the living room to see if they are already there playing but still, nothing, although there are scattered toys on the floor. She went straight to the kitchen to check if they are there and at the same time, start cooking breakfast and to her relief, they are there already eating.

"Good mowning, mommy."The twins greeted in chorus and she went to them and kissed their cheeks.

"Good morning."A voice greeted her that made her roll her eyeballs.

"Andy, did you sleep here?"Cher asked Andy who is currently cooking.

"No. I just thought that you will wake up with a hangover that's why I decided to go in here early to feed the twins."Andy answered.

"Do you think that it's okay to just go in my house and become a nanny to my children?"Cher asked.

"I'm their father, let's start with that."Andy whispered and Cher scoffed.

"Yes, you are but I don't wanna shock the twins that all of a sudden there is a man that's taking care of them aside from their mother."Cher whispered.

"Then we will talk to them or we will take this to court."Andy uttered that made her eyes go round.

"Court?!"Cher asked almost a shout.

"Cher, you removed my right to become their father, and even now that I already know that I am their dad, you still want to push me away from them."Andy uttered.

"You really wanna take this to court, Andy?Is that what you really want, huh?You wanna be a father to them?Then let's go to court, asshole."Cher said sternly.

"Now, get the fuck out of my house or I will add this to my statement that you are trespassing in my house just to be with the twins."Cher said and Andy shook his head with a sigh.

"I don't want a full custody. I just want to be a father to them."Andy uttered softly.

"No, no, you want a battle in court, right?We will take this to court."Cher said and Andy did a facepalm.

"I--Alright, fine."Andy said and Cher just looked at him.

"Get the fuck out of my house."Cher said and Andy nodded.

"Twins, I'm going."Andy said and the twins looked at him.

"Bye, siw Andy!"The twins uttered and Cher just resumed cooking. Tears started rolling down her cheeks for she don't know what she got herself into again.

She helped the twins take a bath after eating her breakfast and when they are already in the living room, she just stared she don't know where and just started spacing out, thinking about the possibility that she might lose her babies.

"Hey, Telly and Fanny, how are you?"A voice suddenly asked and the twins stood up.

"Pauwy/Pauly!"The twins yelled and they ran to Paulette right away.

"We went to a pawty wast night."Andres said right away.

"Oh, was that fun?"Pauly asked as she sit beside Cher.

"Yeth. We danth tho much."Ava answered, ecstatic.

"Oh, wow, that's amazing."Pauly said and the twins nodded with a hum.

"Okay, you two go back to playing, I'll just talk to your mom."Pauly said and the twins just obliged.

"Hey, how are you?"Pauly asked Cher and she shrugged her shoulders.

"What's the matter?C'mon, tell me, Cheralini."Pauly said and Cher heaved a deep sigh before talking.

"I might lose the twins because I am so stupid."Cher said and that made Pauly's forehead crease.

"Why are you going to lose them?What happened?"Pauly asked.

"Because, Andy was at the party, I told him that he is the twins' father but then I kept on pushing him away, and I agreed that we will take it to court."Cher answered.

"Cher, what were you even thinking?"Pauly asked almost a shout.

"I know, I know, I became stupid once again."Cher said and she buried her face on her palms.

"You need to prove that Andy is not fit to be the twins's father. Cher, he have four more kids. If you won this case, it will affect his four other kids!My God, you are so repulsive."Pauly said and tears just started rolling down Cher's cheeks.

Andy headed to Cher's neighbor after what happened and luckily, they let him in right away.

"What do you want to talk about?"Pierce asked as they head to their balcony with their coffee.

"I just made the most stupid mistake ever. More stupid than lying to Cher."Andy said and it made Pierce's forehead crease.

"And what the hell is that?"Pierce asked.

"I said that we're taking the twins' matter to court."Andy answered and Pierce's eyes went round.

"Are you crazy?Andy, Cher is mad at you and you wanna make her more mad at you because you just told her that you will tell the court that she is not fit enough to be the twins' mother!"Pierce exclaimed.

"I know, I know. Because, I got carried away that she is so hard on me that she still wanted to push me away."Andy reasoned out.

"Do you know that you might put your three-year-olds to the stand and testify?"Pierce asked.

"Andy, I am the twins' godfather and I swear to God, if you push that case, forget that I even became your friend."Pierce said even before Andy can talk again.

"I just really don't know what to do now because she's up for it."Andy said and Pierce heaved a deep sigh.

"You should've not told her things like that when she have a hangover or when she doesn't feel good. You have been with her before, you know how she can get repulsive at decision makings."Pierce said and Andy nodded.

"Okay, okay, my fault. It's just that I enjoyed taking care of the twins last night and this morning that's why."Andy said and Pierce looked at him.

"You know what I think?"Pierce asked and Andy shook his head.

"Apologize and you two have a talk before Pauly and Meryl kick you in the ass."Pierce said and Andy let out a sigh.

"Yeah, I--"Andy was suddenly cut off by his phone that started ringing.

"I'll just answer this."Andy said and Pierce just nodded.

Andy dropped his phone on the table after the call and it made him rub his forehead that made Pierce's forehead crease.

"What?Who was that?"Pierce asked.

"My lawyer. He said that Cher's lawyer called him."Andy answered.

"Oh, my God."Pierce whispered under his breathe before doing a facepalm.


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