BMS - 4

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Cher's already in Las Vegas for her week-long show and she's been updating with Andy the moment she got off the plane. Paulette is already with her but she doesn't know how to tell her what crazy thing she got herself into, though Pauly notice how Cher almost can't get her hands off her phone and how Cher smile while looking at her phone every now and then.

"Wednesday show guys!!"Cher yelled while walking through the hallway and her crew clapped and squealed in joy.

She headed back to her dressing room and she found boxes of roses.

"Oh wow, these are beautiful. Who gave these flowers?"Cher asked.

"Well, they just delivered those earlier but there isn't any note that states from whom it came from."Her assistant answered and Cher immediately grabbed her phone.

"Where is Paulette?"Cher asked as she dial a number on her phone.

"She's backstage, I think."Jen, her assistant, answered.

"Okay, thanks."She uttered almost a whisper.

"Hey, beautiful."A voice greeted her from the other line.

"Hi, did I disturb you?"Cher asked softly.

"No, I just finished getting ready for bed so it's fine."He answered.

"Uhmm did you send the flowers here?"She asked and she heard a soft giggle.

"You like it?"He asked and she smiled even if he can't see.

"The flowers are beautiful. I love it."She answered.

"I'm glad you love it."He said and Cher chortled.

"But you don't have to do it. I mean, we're texting and other stuff."Cher said.

"I had to do it. I need to treat my lady right."He answered and her cheeks instantly turned into crimson red.

"Alright, alright. I miss you. See you in New York."Cher said softly.

"I miss you more, mi amor. Few more days. I love you."He replied.

"I gotta go. I love you too."Cher said and ended the call.

"Hey Cheralini, who was that?"A voice suddenly asked and Cher's eyes went round.

"Uhmmm hi Paulette. Th-that's uhmmm just uhmm just someone."Cher answered and Paulette raised a brow.

"Cheralini, hmmm."Paulette said and Cher heaved a deep sigh.

"It is Andy."Cher said almost whisper.

"The married man?!"Paulette asked in disbelief.

"Oh, my God, I know!I'm a horrible person."Cher said and she did a facepalm.

"I'm having an affair with a married man. I'm horrible."Cher said repeatedly.

"Hey, hey, Cheralini, look at me."Pauly said and Cher slowly looked at her.

"Are you going to say that I am a horrible person?"Cher asked.

"No, you're not a horrible person but I am going to say that you just entered some crazy shit. Andy is a married man, he have kids and you, you are the other woman. Even if Andy loves you more than his wife, you are still the third party no matter what you do."Pauly answered and Cher just kept mum.

"Do you really love him?"Paulette asked.

"Yes, I do love him because he is different. He understands me, I understand him."Cher answered.

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