BMS - 18

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Ever since Paulette found out that Cher is pregnant, she's been looking out for her, also with the fact that Andy's not there to take care of her, although, he doesn't know yet.

"Cher, fitting!"Paulette suddenly yelled as she barge in Cher's room and found her on the bed with a box of donuts and a large cup of chocolate milkshake.

"Is it fitting already?I'm lazy to stand up."Cher utttered as she slowly sit up.

"My God, Cher, your first show will be tomorrow, c'mon ms. preggo, get your ass to fitting."Pauly said and Cher stood up.

"Can you ask Jen to buy some popcorn and m&m's?"Cher asked all of a sudden as she walk towards Pauly.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll take care of that as long as you head to your fitting now."Pauly said and she just nodded whilst rolling her eyeballs.

Cher headed to where her fitting will take place and halfway through fitting, her phone started ringing. She grabbed it right away and answered it. Of course, it is her one and only.

"Hi."She greeted.

"Hey baby, what you doing?"Andy asked.

"I uhmm, I'm in my fitting because you know, the first show here in Australia will be tomorrow so we needed to check everything."Cher answered.

"Oh, that's good. I wish I could be with you."Andy said softly and it made her smile.

"I wish you are here, too. What are you doing by the way?"Cher asked.

"I'm getting ready for the party that I'm invited to."Andy answered.

"Is that the one that Pierce said to me?The party of producers and directors?"Cher asked and Andy nodded even if she can't see.

"Yes, it is."Andy answered.

"By the way babe, I will be home again after our last show here. So, in like two or two and a half weeks, I'll see you again."Cher uttered, ecstatic as her assistant show her--her schedule.

"Okay, babe, I can't wait."Andy replied with a smile.

"Papi, mama needs you!"A voice yelled all of a sudden that made his eyes go round.

"Who was that?"Cher asked with forehead creased for she surely heard it.

"That was Ale, baby."Andy answered.

"Why does their mom need you?Are you with her?"Cher asked almost a shout.

"No, no, no, I-I...I'm just dropping off the kids because you know I'm going to the party."Andy explained, trying to tell a lie once again.

"What dropping off?You just said that you are getting ready for the party."Cher said sternly.

"Maybe their mom is here to pick them up, babe, because maybe the kids saw me getting ready and they don't want to hassle me."Andy said, trying to cover up everything.

"Andy, are you lying to me?"Cher asked.

"No, baby, I would never lie to you. I love you so much, my Cherilyn and I would never do that."Andy answered.

"Mama is really in need of you, pops."A voice utttered and Cher clearly heard that statement.

"What in the actual fuck?"Cher asked, really getting furious of Andy.

"Why does she need you?"Cher asked, almost a shout, forgetting that she is still in a fitting with some of her staff.

"Babe, baby, I need to go. I'm going to explain everything, okay?I love you so much."Andy uttered and he ended the call right away.

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