BMS - 27

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It is Cher's first day in Vegas and she decided to bring the twins along with her for them to atleast understand her work more.

"Mommy, I'm a big boy aweweady, don't uhmm uhmmm howd my hand when walking anymowe mommy."Andres uttered for the twins saw an ice cream stall just a few blocks away from their hotel and they asked their mom if they can go there before Cher starts to prepare for her first show.

"No, you're not a big boy yet. You just turned two like seven months ago."Cher said as she fix the way she's carrying Ava.

"Gwandma thaid that I'm aweweady a big boy."Andres retorted and Cher rolled her eyeballs.

"You really believe everything your grandma tells you, don't you?"Cher asked but Andres just ignored her and he just kept on walking.

Cher stopped in front of the ice cream stall after a few moments, but Andres just kept on walking that made Cher laugh.

"Hey, hey, the ice cream stall is here."Cher called for him after she followed him.

"Too much for big boy, smart-mouth."Cher said and she held his hand.

"What do you want Telly?"Cher asked.

"Mine's the chocowate with many many mawwows, pweathe, mommy."Andres intervened and Cher bowed a little to be eye-level with him.

"Did I ask you what you want?What do I always tell you?"Cher asked him.

"Wait fow youw tuwn."Andres answered almost a whisper.

"Thowwy, mommy."Andres whispered and Cher nodded.

"Okay, kiss mommy."Cher said and Andres kissed her on the lips right away.

"Telly, what do you want?"Cher asked, looking at her little girl who is in her arm.

"The pink one, mommy."Ava answered.

"What pink one?Strawberry, watermelon, or cotton candy?"Cher asked.

"Watewmewon, mommy with uhmm mawwows, too."Ava answered and Cher just nodded as she kiss her cheek.

They started walking back to their hotel after they bought the twins' ice cream and Cher prepared her bag and the twins' bags right away. They headed to Ceasars Palace once they're ready, and in her dressing room, she just let Ava and Andres sit on the couch as she start her make-up. They suddenly heard a knock on the door after a few moments, and Dorian, Cher's choreographer and director for the show entered her dressing room.

"Hi, Dowy!"The twins greeted in chorus that made Dorian gasp.

"My favorite twins are here!"She exclaimed and she kissed their cheeks.

"You two ready to see your mommy dance and sing?"Dorian asked as she sit beside Andres.

"Thewe awe coworth wike many of them?"Andres asked that made Cher and Dorian giggle.

"Yes, there are lots of colorful lights and props, and your mommy will wear colorful dresses."Dorian answered.

"And thewe ith uhmm uhmm many danthing?"Andres asked again.

"Yes, there are going to be lots of dancing."Dorian answered.

"Mommy, can I danth with you?"Andres suddenly asked.

"No, not on-stage but you can dance beside the stage."Cher answered.

"How about, you dance with your mommy at the end of the show."Dorian suggested.

"Where?Believe number?"Cher asked.

"Yes, the Believe number. I mean, that's already the end of the show, he can just hold your hand there and you'll dance."Dorian answered.

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