BMS - 13

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After Andy and Cher freely celebrated New Year together, Andy is back to work right away but as promised, he was with her at her last day before going back on tour. It's hard for them to be away from each other, now that they are both already busy but Andy does the effort to check on her everyday even with his simple texts and short calls. Everyday, the couple never failed to tell each other that they are missing each other but they just can't do something about it although Andy is trying to send flowers for her at her every stop.

"Good luck with your show, Cheralini!"Paulette exclaimed as Cher get ready for her another show and she looked at her best friend.

"I wish he is here. I miss him terribly."Cher suddenly uttered.

"Cher, you two just talked like less than five minutes ago."Pauly replied.

"I know but I still miss him. I mean, it is still not the same because he is not here."Cher retorted and rolled her eyeballs.

"You'll see him very soon. All this will be worth it."Pauly said that made Cher heave a deep sigh.

"Cheralina, I know you are deeply in love with your man but all you have to do now is put on your clothes, your smile, and do your show. The next thing you know, he'll be here, you two will be together again."Paulette said and Cher slowly nodded.

"Alright, fine."Cher said and Pauly just giggled.

Meawhile at Andy's, since the last time he was with Cher, all he did was to keep up with his work but still taking the time to keep up with Cher, too.

Another draining day for Andy and even before he got home, he have already called Cher for he knows the time of her show. As he prepare for bed, his phone suddenly started ringing and that made his forehead crease for he is sure that Cher is only halfway through her show. He immediately grabbed his phone and looked who it is.

"Hello?"He uttered.

"Hi, is this Andy?"The voice from the other side uttered.

"Uhmm yes, who is this and what can I do for you?"He asked, for the caller is registered to an unknown number.

"I'm Linda from Summit Medical Center and your wife Marivi is rushed here and your daughter Dominik told me to call you."The woman uttered and it made his eyes go round.

"I-I...I-I'll be there."He uttered before ending the call.

Andy rushed to the hospital as fast as he can and his heart is pounding that it feels like it's coming off his chest.

"I'm here for Marivi Garcia."He quickly uttered to the information counter the moment he reached the hospital and he is panting.

"Dad!"A voice called for him and that made him spun around.

"Kiki!"He exclaimed and he hugged her.

"What happened to mom?"He asked immediately.

"Mom was taking a shower then suddenly she was screaming. I ran to her and there is blood running down her thighs."Dominik answered and she hugged her father tight.

"Where's Bones?"Andy asked, kissing her forehead.

"At home with Dani and Ale."She answered.

"Mom is still in the emergency room."Dominilk uttered and Andy just nodded.

"Uhmm who is with missus Marivi Garcia?"A voice suddenly uttered that made Andy and Dominik look up.

"I'm her husband."Andy uttered. The doctor started explaining a lot of things to Andy that he is not getting, but one thing is sure to him, his wife is ill.

Andy is now in a private room with an unconsious Marivi and an asleep Dominik. He stared at the ceiling in silence and things are floating in his head. He thought his plan is already working. He thought everything is going smoothly as he planned but with this, things are starting to go around.

"Hey."A soft voice suddenly called for him that made him snap out of his thoughts. It's Marivi.

"Hey, you need anything?"He asked immediately as he went near her.

"No, I'm good."She answered softly.

"Kiki called you?"She asked.

"Well, she asked them to call me."Andy answered and she gently grabbed his hand.

"Will you stay with us?I can't do this alone. I can't. Please?"Marivi uttered almost a whisper and he started stroking her hair with his free hand.

"I will."He answered with his sweetest smile.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're sick?"Andy asked and a tear suddenly fell from her eye.

"Because, I know I asked for you to stay away, I know you're already happy with where you are right now and I don't wanna ruin it. Andy, after everything I did to you, all I wanted is your happiness, you and the kids' happiness."Marivi answered.

"You may say that I'm already happy but you don't know that. I am still not a hundred percent happy. Marivi, I still care for you. Believe me when I say, I still do."Andy said, looking straight into her eyes.

"But you already fell out of love with me."Marivi retorted that made him heave deep sigh.

"That doesn't mean that I stopped caring."Andy said and she smiled. A weak smile.

"Thank you Andy, for coming. I surely disturbed your evening but thank you."Marivi uttered and he nodded.

"Remember, I still care."Andy said and Marivi just smiled.

It's the morning after Cher's show and she sure is tired and her missing Andy is just adding to her exhaustion.

"Hey, Cheralini, good morning!"Pauly uttered with the energy that she have that made Cher roll her eyeballs.

"Pauly, don't start with me, I'm not having a good morning."Cher said in a low tone.

"Why?What's wrong?"Pauly asked in curiosity.

"Andy haven't texted me yet."Cher answered and Paulette did a facepalm.

"Cher, he doesn't need to text you every minute or every hour."Paulette retorted.

"You don't understand. Ever since I got back on tour, every time I wake up, I have a text message from him telling me what he is going to do for the day and other stuff but this morning is different. No text or even a call."Cher said almost a shout and the two of them headed to the dining area.

"Jeez Cher, relax. Andy have his own life, too. He also work, he still have his family. His world doesn't revolve around you."Pauly said and Cher looked at her, syncing in everything that she said.

"You're back on tour for a month already and let's say that he never misses a morning of texts, can't he miss atleast one because he is exhausted or maybe he is still sleeping?You're on the road Cher and there are lots of times where your time zone doesn't match his and if I were him, that would be hella tiring to keep up with."Pauly said and Cher closed her eyes, breathing in and breathing out before talking again.

"You're right, I'm sorry."Cher said and it made Paulette softly giggle.

"I've fallen deeply, haven't I?"Cher asked softly.

"Cherilyn, you have fallen madly and deeply."Paulette answered and the two of them laughed.

Cher's mind may be all-over the place with her Andy situation plus her show almost every night and many more stuff inside her head but she is just glad that her best friend is with her to atleast keep her sane.


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