BMS - 54

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"Mommy, daddy, mommy, daddy."Andres and Ava continuously uttered as they knock on their parents' hotel room for they are currently in Vegas to be with their mother.

Cher groaned with the noise she's hearing but she don't have the energy to do something about it so she just started kicking her husband lightly.

"Babe, what is it?"Andy asked with eyes closed as he tighten his arm that is around his wife's waist.

"The twins are at the door."Cher mumbled as she bury her face on her pillow more.

"You get it."Andy uttered.

"No, you get it."Cher said as she kick him once again and that made him groan.

"Okay, okay, I'll get it."Andy said as he slowly sit up before walking towards the door with an eye still closed.

"What do you want, my loves?"Andy asked sleepily but instead of answering him, the twins ran inside the room.

"We want to pway, daddy. Bones is stee sweeping."Andres uttered as he and his sister climb their parent's bed.

"It is still early, the sun is not even out yet."Andy said as he go back to bed.

"But daddy, we awe not sweepy anymowe."Andres uttered.

"Look at mommy, she is still sleeping, she is still tired from her show."Andy said and the twins went on top of him with Ava sitting on his chest while Andres is on his stomach.

"Let'th play daddy, pleathe?"Ava said softly.

"Oh, my God."Andy whispered under his breathe.

"Here's the deal, daddy will ask you two some questions and if you answered all of them correctly, we will play."Andy uttered, closing his eyes.

"Okay, daddy."The twins answered in unison.

"What is your full name?Andres first."Andy said and the twins widely smiled.

"My name is Andwes Estefan Wa Piewe."Andres uttered.

"And me daddy, my name ith uhmm Ava Ethtelle La Piewe."Ava added.

"You are both wrong. You guys are not a La Piere anymore, you guys are already a Garcia."Andy said and the twins frowned.

"My name is uhhmm Andwes Estefan Gawcia?"Andres asked.

"Yes and Ava's name is Ava Estelle Garcia."Andy answered.

"But daddy we'we stee babies, we don't know that you change ouw name!"Andres exclaimed.

"Okay, sorry but now you know."Andy said softly.

"I have another question. When is the two of you's birthday?"Andy asked and the twins just started whispering to each other.

"Uhmm Octobew."Ava answered.

"October what?You are not going to celebrate your birthday for the whole month of October."Andy said and Ava looked at her brother.

"Can we uhmm ask mommy?"Andres asked that made Andy giggle.

"No. Mommy is still sleeping."Andy answered.

"We don't know daddy, we jutht know Octobew."Ava uttered.

"Your birthday is on the 20th of October."Andy said and the twins frowned.

"But that is hawd to wemembew, daddy."Andres retorted.

"No, it's not."Andy uttered.

"How about just cuddle with daddy and we will play later."Andy suggested.

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