BMS - 2

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Cher just finished her concert and she headed straight to her hotel room after the show. She took off her make-up and got ready for bed. Cher settled on her bed and before drifting to sleep, she checked her phone for her schedule.

"One more show here, then move again and blah blah blah."She uttered as she go through her program. She checked through her messages and there is a text message from an unknown from hours ago.

Unknown number:
Hi, this is Andy. You probably wouldn't remember me anymore but I don't know. How are you?

Her lips unconsciously curled up into a smile seeing his message. She immediately saved his number and decided to reply.

Oh, hi! I'm sorry for replying this late. My show just finished and I am fine. How about you?

Uncertain of his reply, she just placed her phone on the nightstand and drifted off to sleep.

She woke up with the sunlight peeking at her window and it made her groan. She is not really a morning person but then, the sun is waking her up. Cher checked her phone for her schedule for the day and she only have a sound check in the afternoon but she is free the whole morning. She stayed in bed not caring about her breakfast and a message suddenly popped up.

Andy Garcia:
Hi again, I was packing for my trip to New York. But it's good to hear that you are doing great.

She smiled, and somehow, that text brightened up her morning.

When are you arriving in New York?It's my last day here and it is too bad if I'm not gonna catch you.

Andy's replied fast and Cher liked that.

Andy Garcia:
I'll arrive there this afternoon and I am hoping to catch you, too.

Oh, okay. Just text me if you got here before the time of my show.

After her last message, she turned off her phone and decided to prepare for breakfast.

Cher went on did all her errands for the day until it is her showtime.

"Cher, you still have time for some meet and greets?"Her assistant asked her as they add the finishing touches of her make-up.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there in a minute."Cher replied as she check her phone and there is a text message.

Andy Garcia:
Hey, I'm already in New York.

Her went round when she read his text because honestly, she forgot about him for hear head became occupied after her last text message.

"Jen!"Cher immediately called for her assistant.

"Uhh, yeah?"Her assistant asked as she walk to Cher's dressing room.

"Can you uhmm pick-up someone?Give him a VIP pass and then meet me backstage."Cher instructed.

"Who am I going to pick-up and where?"Jen asked Cher who is currently busy with her phone.

"Okay, okay, here's the info."Cher uttered after a few minuted and she showed Jen her cellphone.

"I'll meet you backstage in ten minutes."Jen said after gathering the information needed and she ran out of Cher's dressing room as fast as she can.

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