BMS - 49

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It is Andy and Cher's third day in Maldives and the couple have already done a lot of activities that they thought they won't be able to do including paddle boarding, partying at the island with the locals and other tourists, sailing and some more activities that they can do.

"My God, the islands here are gorgeous."Cher said as she kick off her shoes for they just got back from their activity of the day which is island hopping.

"I wish the kids are here. Especially the twins."Cher said and Andy kissed her forehead.

"Yeah, I'm sure the kids will love it here but the twins won't enjoy the flight on the way here."Andy uttered as he remove his shirt and the two of them started laughing.

"Time's so fast. We have two days left and we're home once again."Cher said and Andy sat beside her.

"But when we're home, we have a Disneyland trip to look forward to."Andy said and Cher softly giggled.

"I know. And then in a few weeks, I am back in Vegas. I have to call the twins' nanny again."Cher said and she rested her head on Andy's shoulder.

"You don't have to call their nanny. I can take them to work."Andy said and Cher looked at him.

"Baby, you don't have to. We'll just call their nanny because they are still in school. During their vacation you can take them."Cher said and Andy smiled.

"I love you, baby."Andy said softly.

"I love you, too, baby."Cher said and she suddenly kneeled in front of him before clipping her up that made Andy's eyes go round.

"Babe, what are you doing?"Andy asked as he unconsciously spread his legs wider and Cher picked up her earring.

"I just picked up my earring. It fell."Cher said and Andy frowned.

"You must be kidding me."Andy said as Cher sit beside him, laughing.

"I am not. It really fell down there."Cher said and Andy is still frowning.

"Okay, I'm taking a shower."Cher said and she planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"Surprise me with what you're wearing again. I'll order dinner."Andy said and she nodded.

"Baby, where are we going tomorrow?"Cher asked as she enter the bathroom.

"I think just kayaking and in the afternoon nothing."Andy answered and she just hummed.

After Cher took her refreshing shower, she headed to their closet and she chose what lingerie to wear for in the past three days that they are in Malidives, she's been wearing a lot of them. She chose a ruffled super mini dress with the matching G-strings and of course, no bra. The color is not what she would usually wear but she just thinks that it is cute and somehow comfortable.

 The color is not what she would usually wear but she just thinks that it is cute and somehow comfortable

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(It just looks like the dress is not short but the dress is super short)

"Your turn, baby."Cher said and Andy looked at her.

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