BMS - 5

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Cher isn't an early bird but she had to wake up early to catch her flight. She had things arranged in New York for the paparazzi to not catch her and if she is going to get caught, they won't know what she's really up to.

"Cheralini, you sure you're doing this?"Pauly asked for they are already in the car on the way to the airport.

"Yeah, I'm sure."Cher answered almost a whisper.

"You really love him, do you?"Pauly asked again and Cher looked at her.

"I do love him and I just wanna get things straight in my head."Cher answered almost a whisper. Pauly is about to talk again, when Cher's phone suddenly rang.

"It's Andy."Cher uttered and Paulette just nodded. Cher answered the call but she didn't say a word.

"Good morning beautiful."Andy greeted from the other line.

"Good morning."Cher replied.

"Are you almost at the airport?"Andy asked.

"Yes, I am almost at the airport."Cher answered.

"I'm excited to see you."Andy said softly.

"Me too. Okay, I need to go. I'll text you."Cher said and Andy nodded even if she can't see.

"Take care. I love you."Andy uttered and she weakly smiled.

"Yeah."Cher replied almost a whisper and she ended the call.

"Still giving him the cold treatment?"Paulette asked and Cher heaved a deep sigh.

"You know that I can't be warm unless we cleared things out."Cher said defensively.

"Okay, okay, but don't be mad. I'm just asking."Pauly said and Cher hugged her.

"I'm sorry. Many things are just really floating in my head."Cher said almost a whisper.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?"Pauly asked as Cher pull back from the hug.

"It's fine, and I know your family is waiting for you."Cher said and the car suddenly have come to a stop.

"Cheralini, take care okay?You are in some crazy shit so you have to be careful. You can call me anytime."Pauly reminded Cher and she nodded with a smile.

"Thanks Paulette, I'll keep everything you said in my mind."Cher said before stepping put of the car.

Cher is now on the plane on the way to New York and she doesn't know what to feel. She wanted to be happy because she is seeing Andy but she can not understand why she can't. Her heart is pounding, her hands are sweating and as of the moment, all she knows is to have a short sleep before facing Andy again.

Andy on the other hand, he is hyped that Cher is coming and he ordered a special lunch in their suite for her. He also considered it as their lunch date for they never had a proper date.

After her long almost six-hour flight, Cher arrived at their hotel and she headed straight to their room. Well, Andy wanted to pick her up at the lobby but they both know he can't. She reached their hotel room with a bell man who helped her with her luggages and before the man can see Andy, she kindly asked him to leave. Cher entered the room and her heart is pounding that it feels like it is coming off her chest. She suddenly felt arms wrap around her waist and it made her jolt.

"Hello, mi amor."That low voice whispered in her ear that sends shivers down her spine.

"I missed you."He whispered and he kissed her cheek. She slowly faced him and she weakly smiled.

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