BMS - 39

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The family's home after their three-day camping trip and Cher, she now started thinking about how she's going to break the news to her family that she is once again in a relationship with the twins' father or as her family know him, the married man who got her pregnant.

"Cheralini, where are the twins?"Pauly asked as they both head to the gym for their work-out session.

"They are with uhmm Andy."Cher answered.

"So they enjoy staying with their father now?"Pauly asked.

"Yes, but Andy told me that when they go to his house, they still ask if when they can go home."Cher said with a giggle.

"How about your feelings?"Pauly asked.

"I know you are going to kill me but we decided to try and work things out again."Cher answered and Pauly gasped.

"I knew you are going to comeback to him."Pauly said and Cher rolled her eyeballs.

"Beacause, I love the twins and I love Andy, I can never deny that."Cher said and Pauly nodded.

"How are you going to tell Georgia, Gee, and your kids?"Pauly asked and Cher shrugged her shoulders.

"I am actually going to mom's later and Gee's also going to be there."Cher said almost a whisper.

"You know what, I'm sure that they'll understand, you know. They love you the way they love the twins and I know that even if they get mad or disappointed, they will still want what makes you happy."Pauly uttered and Cher smiled.

"Thanks for the encouragement and not actually scolding me."Cher said and Pauly laughed.

"I wanted to but I knew it is going to happen."Pauly replied and the two of them started laughing.

"Mommy!"They suddenly heard a voice yell in the middle of their work-out session and Cher is sure that it's one of the twins. Cher stopped what she's doing to see who it is, and it's Ava.

"Mommy."Ava cried and Cher carried her right away.

"Hey, hey, why are you crying?What happened, baby?"Cher asked and Ava buried her face on her mother's neck as she cry harder. Andy suddenly arrived with Andres and Cher saw that Andres is looking down.

"Hey."Andy greeted and he gave a peck on Cher's lips.

"Hi. Why is Ava crying?"Cher asked and Andy looked at Andres.

"Andres, what did you do to your sister?"Cher asked, but instead of answering, he hugged his father's legs instead.

"Ava, baby, please, tell mommy what happened."Cher said softly.

"B-becauthe mommy, Fanny told me th-that he d-don't want m-me to be hith thithter anymowe."Ava said and she cried again.

"Andres, why did you say that to your sister?"Cher asked as she slowly sit to be eye-level with him.

"Because mommy I towd hew that I wee cwean my toys watew but she said that I'm wazy."Andres answered and Ava buried her face on her mother's chest.

"But telling her that you don't want her to be your sister anymore is not a nice thing to say. It hurts her feelings."Cher said and Andres looked down.

"If you continue to be mean to your sister, I won't allow the two of you to have sleepovers at daddy's place."Cher said that made Andres look at Cher.

"No, mommy. I want sweep thewe!"Andres whined.

"Then say sorry to your sister and stop being mean to her."Cher said and Andres hugged her and Ava right away.

"I'm sowwy, Tewwy. Pwease, stop cwying. We wee buy ice cweam if you want."Andres said softly and Cher softly giggled.

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