BMS - 9

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It's Christmas eve and Cher woke up a little late. She looked around her and Andy's gone by her side. She headed out of her room after clipping her hair up and after wearing her robe and found Andy in her living room talking on the phone with someone. He smiled at her and she went near him.

"Hi."Andy mouthed and he gave a peck on her lips.

"Yeah, yeah, we will settle that after the Holidays?"Andy asked to the one he's talking to on the phone as he wrap his free arm around Cher's waist.

"Okay, thank you so much."Andy uttered and he ended the call.

"Morning."Andy whispered and it made her smile.

"Morning."She greeted back and she pinched his nose.

"I need to eat my breakfast. I'll still talk to my organizer for the Christmas dinner later."Cher said and the two of them headed to the kitchen.

"I cooked and I waited for you."Andy said as he let Cher sit on one of the kitchen stools.

"You coming to the dinner tonight?"Cher asked all of a sudden.

"If it's okay I will go, but if it isn't, I'll just find a place where I can spend Christmas."Andy answered.

"It's okay to come. Pierce is there so you won't be alone and besides, I want you to be there. I can introduce you as my good friend."She answered and Andy kissed her forehead.

"I'll be there then."Andy said and Cher smiled.

After they ate breakfast, Cher headed to her living room and started checking the things for her party.

"No, they need to be here at three not four."Cher said and Andy, who is beside her is just listening.

"Alright, okay, thank you."She uttered and she ended the call.

"Hey, baby, relax."Andy uttered and she just frowned.

"I love you."Andy said softly and she pinched his cheeks.

"I love you, too."Cher replied and it made him giggle.

"Are you going to your apartment now?"Cher asked as she lean more on the sofa's armrest.

"You want me to leave now?"Andy asked and he slowly went on top of her.

"No. How about a few more minutes?"She asked and she started caressing his cheeks.

"If that's what you want mi amor."Andy answered and she smiled.

"Andy?"She called for him and she looked straight into his eyes.

"Hmmm?"He hummed.

"This will all be over right?The drama, the hiding."Cher softly uttered.

"Do you trust me?"Andy asked almost a whisper and his forehead met hers.

"I do trust you."She answered and it made him smile.

"We will go through this."He whispered and she gently nodded.

"I love you, beautiful."Andy said almost a whisper and Cher softly giggled.

"I love you, too, handsome."She replied and he kissed her. She slowly encircled her arms around his neck and she started responding to his kisses. Cher wrapped her legs around his waist and they both sighed in their kiss. Andy pulled back after a minute or two and they're both catching their breathes.

"I need to go now."Andy whispered and she just nodded before unwrapping her legs around his waist.

"I'll come to your party later. I promise."Andy said as he stand up and she sweetly smiled.

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