BMS - 14

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Andy had couple hours of sleep after having the talk with Marivi and he sure is still tired. He looked at the time and his eyes went round.

"Oh, shit."He whispered under his breathe.

"Kiki?"He called for his daughter and looked at Marivi who is sleeping soundly in her bed.

"Yes, pops?"Dominik answered.

"Are you okay looking after mom today?I have work, I can't skip work today."Andy uttered and he stood up.

"Yes, dad. I'll call in Dani to bring Ale and Bones here later."Dominik said and Andy nodded.

"Don't worry, I'll make it up to you."Andy said softly, kissing his daughter's forehead.

"Yeah."Dominik simply replied.

"Look after mom, okay? I love you."Andy said and Dominik smiled.

"Love you, too, papi."Dominik said and it made Andy smile before going out of the room.

He dialled Cher's number as soon as he got into his car and she answered after a few rings.

"Hello?"Cher uttered from the other line.

"Hey, baby, how are you?Are you doing something?"Andy asked.

"Uhmm not at the moment, but I'm just a little sad."Cher answered softly.

"Why?What's the matter?Tell me."Andy uttered.

"You don't have a message for me this morning and that made me sad."Cher uttered.

"I'm sorry babe, I was just really out of my mind earlier because I woke up a little late."He lied and his guilt is starting to creep up his stomach.

"Are you on your way to work or are you at work already?"Cher asked.

"I'm on the way to my apartment because I forgot some stuff."He answered.

"How was your show last night?"Andy asked before she can talk again and his guilt is slowly eating him.

"It was great but I still wished that you were there."Cher answered and that made him smile.

"I wish you were here, too, babe. I am missing you so much."Andy said.

"When are you going here?The tour is ending soon."Cher said as he park his car in front of his apartment.

"Maybe first week of March or I don't know. As soon as I finish my work or when I get a free-time, okay?"Andy said and Cher nodded even if he can't see.

"Okay, we're gonna pack some things now. You'll call later, right?"Cher asked.

"Uhmm y-yeah, yeah, I will. Bye, baby, I love you."Andy answered and it made her smile big time.

"I love you, too."Cher replied before ending the call.

He knows he is lying to her but he doesn't know how to tell her that he is with Marivi and that he'll be staying with her for he don't know how long.

"Cheralini, you okay?"A voice asked her all of a sudden. Of course, it is Paulette.

"Yeah, I'm okay now. Andy just called."She answered with her sweetest smile.

"That's why your mood lightened up."Paulette uttered and she nodded.

"Alright, let's go shopping for a little while."Paulette uttered and Cher quickly grabbed her purse.

"Pauly!"Cher called for Paulette for they are now in a botique looking for some stuff that they might like.

"Yeah?"Pauly asked and Cher started showing her a couple of men's clothes.

"Which one do you think will Andy like?"Cher asked.

"I think the terracotta color palette suits him. Any color in that palette is like perfect for him."Paulette answered and Cher nodded.

"Yeah, you're right, and I noticed his shirts in those colors and my God, he looks so hot."Cher uttered and Pauly giggled.

"But do you really see your future with him?Paulette suddenly asked and Cher looked at her.

"Yeah, I mean, I know it's complicated with the divorce things and all but he assured me everything and I trust his words."Cher answered.

"You know what, Cher, Gee and Georgia will surely kill you when they found out but I'm happy that you're happy. He is I think the reason why you have more glow and happiness when you step on stage."Pauly said and Cher smiled.

"That's so sweet of you Paulette but I truly am happy with him."Cher said as she grab more clothes for Andy.

"Cher, look at these shoes, it will suit you."Paulette suddenly uttered.

"Do they have it in my size?"Cher asked.

"I think. Let's just ask."Paulette answered.

On the way back to their hotel, Cher's phone started ringing and as she expected, it's from Andy.

"Hi, baby."Cher greeted.

"Hey, where are you?"Andy asked right away.

"We are on the way back to the hotel. We went shopping."Cher answered and she heard him giggle from the other side.

"How much did you spend again, huh?"Andy asked.

"Well, just enough. I bought you some shirts, though."Cher answered defensively.

"Really?"Andy asked in disbelief.

"Yes, because I found some shirts here that I'm sure will suit you."Cher answered.

"Babe, you didn't had to do that."Andy said.

"Well, you bought me things, too, last Christmas. And think of it as a Valentine's day gift."Cher said and she heard him giggle.

"What do you want for Valentine's, by the way?"Andy asked all of a sudden.

"Nothing. I just want you here."Cher said almost a whisper but he heard it.

"I'll tryna sneak out of work on Valentine's but I can't promise anything, okay, baby?"Andy said and somehow that made her smile.

"Okay, sweetheart."Cher replied.

"How are your kids by the way?Have you called them or anything?"Cher asked all of a sudden.

"Uhmm yeah, y-yeah, I uhmm c-called Kiki earlier."Andy answered and that made her forehead crease.

"You okay, love?"Cher asked and Andy nodded even if she can't see.

"I'm okay, baby. I just miss you so much."Andy answered that made her smile and blush.

"I miss you, too, so much, babe."Cher replied softly.

"Right, I need to get back to work. I love you, I'll text you and I'll tryna call tonight."Andy said.

"Alright, I love you, too."Cher said before ending the call.

Andy heaved a deep sigh after his and Cher's call for he knows that he've been lying. He lied and he knows she will know the truth eventually and it will hurt her big time. He made a decision he surely will regret.


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