BMS - 50

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Andy and Cher flew back home after almost a week in Maldives for their honeymoon and they sure are exhausted. They are just glad that they are going to see their kids again.

"Ava?Andres?Bones?"Andy yelled from their living room as he drop their luggages and Cher sat on the sofa right away.

"Daddy!Mommy!"Voices came yelling after a few moments and they saw Ava, Andres and Bones run towards them.

"Daddy!"Ava squealed as she jump to her father and Andy carried her right away.

"Mommy!"Andres yelled as he sit on his mother's lap.

"Hey, how are you guys?"Cher asked as she ruffle Bones' hair and the twins just started narrating so many things to the point where they argue about who is going to talk first.

"Babe, just eat dinner without me. I'm going to sleep."Cher said once they are in their room and Andy looked at her.

"Are you sure babe?"Andy asked as Cher grab her towel and robe.

"Yes, babe. I'm still full anyways."Cher answered and Andy just nodded.

"Twins, Bones, what do you guys want for dinner?"Andy asked after he took his shower and rested a little.

"Mc Donald's!"The three answered that made Andy giggle.

"Okay, daddy will order Mc Donald's."Andy said as he sit on the living room sofa.

"Daddy, uhhhmm did you buy uth pwethentth?"Ava asked all of a sudden.

"Yes, we did but mommy will give it to you guys tomorrow."Andy answered.

"Daddy, what did you and mommy do thewe?"Andres asked.

"We did some relaxing things and some things that only mommies and daddies do."Andy answered.

"Gee Gee said that you went there so that we will have another baby sister or a baby brother."Bones suddenly intervened that made Andy's eyes go round.

"Why?Do you guys want another baby sister or baby brother?"Andy asked and the kids nodded with a hum.

"Ow twins wike me and Ava."Andres uttered and Andy softly giggled.

"We cannot promise you anything but we'll try. If there's another one then there's another one but if there is none then at least we have you guys."Andy said and the three just kept mum.

They all had dinner after a few more moments and as Cher said, they ate dinner without her.

"Daddy, can we buy candieth aftew we eat?"Ava asked.

"And ice cweam and cotton candy, daddy. Please?"Andres added.

"Okay, fine."Andy answered and that made the twins widely smile.

Even if Andy is tired from their trip, he still managed to take care of his three kids for he really wanted Cher to rest. He headed to their room once Ava, Andres and Bones are already asleep and Cher is still in her deep slumber that made him sigh of relief. He kissed her forehead before he settled beside her and even before he can close his tired eyes, his phone started ringing. He looked at who it is and it is his assistant.

"Hey, Tina, what's up?"Andy asked.

"Sorry for calling this late sir but I received an invitation for you for a party two weeks from now."His assistant answered.

"Uhmm can you just text me the details?Please?Thank you."Andy said softly.

"Okay sir, copy."His assistant replied before ending the call. Andy dropped his phone on the nightstand and he just hugged his wife before drifting to his deep slumber.

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