BMS - 43

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After Cher's talk with Andy's mom, she headed to the kitchen to make another cup of tea for Andy before she went back to their room.

"Hey babe."Cher greeted Andy who is already on their bed.

"Hey, what's that?"Andy asked and Cher sat beside him.

"Here's a cup of tea for you, too."Cher answered with a smile.

"And what's with that smile?What did you do downstairs?"Andy asked and Cher softly giggled.

"Nothing. I just made tea."Cher answered and Andy raised a brow.

"Babe?"Andy said and Cher shrugged her shoulders.

"What?"Cher asked with a giggle.

"Your aura kind of changed."Andy answered and Cher rolled her eyeballs at him.

"Because I talked to your mom."Cher said and Andy's forehead creased.

"What did you two talk about?"Andy asked.

"You. Your mom told me about all your annoying traits."Cher answered and Andy's eyes went round.

"You're kidding, right?"Andy asked and Cher started laughing.

"Of course, I am! We just talked about our relationship."Cher answered and Andy frowned.

"My God, you scared me."Andy said and Cher gave a peck on his lips.

"Why?Do you have worst traits that I should know about?"Cher asked.

"Maybe?I don't know."Andy answered.

"Don't worry, I'll still love you."Cher said and he sweetly smiled.

"And I'll still love you even with your moodiness at times."Andy said that made Cher giggle.

"Finish your tea. I'm sleepy."Cher said and Andy kissed her forehead.

The next day, Cher woke up first and Andy is still in his deep slumber beside her. She stood up to wear her robe before heading out of their room and she found the twins already running on the hallway.

"Hey, Fanny, Telly, it's still early you might wake up some people."Cher said and the twins ran to her right away.

"Good mowning, mommy."The two greeted and they both kissed her cheek.

"Did you guys have a good sleep?"Cher asked.

"Yeth mommy, becauthe I have my binky."Ava answered that made Cher giggle.

"Me, I don't need my binky anymowe mommy because I'm aweweady a big boy."Andres uttered and Cher kissed their cheeks.

"Yeah, because you have a girlfriend already."Cher said and Andres nodded with a hum.

"Mommy, can you give me uhhmm uhmm money watew?"Andres asked all of a sudden that made Cher's forehead crease.

"Why?"Cher asked.

"Because mommy, Ale said that uhmm we wee go to the maww today and uhmm uhmm I wee buy a doww fow my giwfwiend."Andres answered that made Cher laugh.

"Daddy and I are also going to the mall with you guys so relax."Cher said and Andres nodded.

"Okay, mommy. I wove you."Andres said that made Cher smile.

"I love you, more, okay?"Cher said and Andres nodded before running.

"Mommy, can we buy the uhmm the doll that I want?"Ava asked and Cher looked at her.

"Remember our agreement with that doll, right?We will buy that doll if you did good in school."Cher answered.

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