BMS - 12

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It's almost New Year and it's almost the day that the couple will be once again separated because Andy will be going back to his shoot but they are not talking about it much because Andy knows that Cher frowns with that topic.

"Babe!"She suddenly called for him for she just got out of the shower and Andy is not in her room.

"Where the hell did my boyfriend go?"Cher whispered under her breathe as she put on her clothes.

Cher went out of her room after a few moments, and she found Pauly in her living room, taking pictures.

"Pauly, have you seen Andy?"Cher asked right away.

"Yeah."Pauly simply answered and Cher rolled her eyeballs for Pauly is not focusing on her.

"Stop taking pictures, Paulette. Where is my boyfriend?"Cher asked almost a shout and it made Pauly heave a deep sigh.

"Cheralini, relax. He is with Bruce, they're talking, out in the garden, I think."Pauly answered and Cher nodded.

"Okay, I'll order lunch."Cher said and Pauly suddenly held her wrist.

"Your man's cooking."Pauly said and Cher slowly nodded.

Cher just sat beside Paulette and she rested her eyes for she is still sleepy. She suddenly felt someone kiss her forehead and that made her open her eyes.

"Hey, you guys had a great time?"Cher asked Andy and Bruce, Paulette's husband.

"Yeah."Andy simply answered as he head to the kitchen.

They had a lunch after Andy cooked, and after their "double date", Bruce and Pauly headed home and it's just the two of them again.

"Babe, have you seen my notebook?"Cher asked as Andy sit on the bed while she goes to her work table.

"The last time I saw it, you were holding it."Andy answered and it made her forehead crease.

"You didn't see where I placed it?"Cher asked and Andy shook his head.

"Oh God. Dorian's new phone number is there."Cher said as she crawl to bed.

"I'll just ask Paulette if she have it. I don't have the energy to find that freaking notebook."Cher said almost a whisper and it made Andy chortle.

"Cher."Andy called for her and she looked at him.

"Yeah?"She asked and Andy gently pulled her for her to be on top of him.

"I love you."He answered and her forehead met his.

"I love you, too."She replied and he started giving pecks on her lips.

"I'll be with you the day before you go back on tour. I'll cook for you, we'll have a home date and we'll, you know."Andy uttered and she softly giggled.

"Yeah, I know."Cher said and she planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"I knew lots of things about you just by living with you in this short period of time."Andy suddenly said as he rest his hands on her lower back.

"And what are those?"She asked and he sweetly smiled.

"I learned that even if you have this ginormous house, you still live a simple life. You appreciate the simple things more. And you know the things that I love most?"Andy asked and she shook her head.

"You are still this shy, sensitive, caring human being."Andy answered and she smiled.

"And you, you are this protective, silent person but when you start talking about things, you know that you won't waste your time listening to it."Cher said and he planted a soft kiss on her lips.

"Well, I'm more of a listener."Andy said and Cher chortled.

"And in this relationship, I am the talker."Cher said and the two of them giggled.

"Yeah, you talk a lot but you are also great at listening when it's time for you to listen."Andy said and Cher lightly hit his chest. She rolled over to his side and she lied on his arm with her back leaning onto his chest.

"You know, I always thought of love as something so simple,"Andy suddenly uttered and she just hummed.

"Because you know, you got married, you're happy, you have kids, you have little problems here and there, but it isn't really that simple."Andy continued.

"When our marriage started falling apart, I started to ask myself, "Why can't I fix it now?"; "Why can't I fix it that simple?"; I realized it isn't that simple at all. It never was simple. Maybe loving someone is that simple, but the rest isn't."Andy added and she slowly nodded.

"Just like us?It was simple to us to fall in love with each other but hiding and really trying to make things work isn't. We're almost a month in and we have gone through a lot of heartbreaks already, imagine what we will experience in the next months."Cher uttered softly and Andy kissed the top of her head.

"Babe, are you tired already of this?The hiding?"Andy asked all of a sudden.

"It's not just the hiding that I'm getting tired of, it is the insecurities, the questions in my head."Cher answered and he slowly wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Since our relationship started, even if I have you beside me, I still question my place in your life all the time and that is hard, that is tiring."Cher added.

"Babe."Andy said in a low tone.

"I know, you don't fail to tell me what my place is but with all this chaos we're going through, I still can't help it."Cher explained and she started rubbing his arm that's on her waist.

"I love you, my Cherilyn."Andy whispered and she snuggled more into his embrace.

"I love you, too, my Andres."Cher replied and it made him smile.

"When we have kids, I want them to look like you, even your trait. I want them to be that soft yet straight forward human being."Andy suddenly uttered and it made her giggle.

"And you're gonna teach them Spanish?"Cher asked and Andy kissed her head.

"Yeah, I'm gonna teach them a lot of things."Andy answered and Cher slowly faced him.

"But in the meantime, we'll take care of two children tomorrow at the party for I know that they won't leave the both of us, namely Benjamin and Beatrice."Cher said and that made him giggle.

"I can work with those two at the meantime."Andy said and he kissed her. She responded to his kisses and she smiled in their kiss that made him stop.

"What you thinking?"Andy asked against her lips.

"Just the image of our own family is now established in my head."She answered softly.

"And we will soon make it true."Andy whispered and it made Cher widely smile.

I'll be making the chapters shorter for the story to not end quickly.

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