BMS - 40

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Cher stayed in the kitchen to accompany Alessandra and she kept thinking about what Chaz and Elijah is saying to Andy.

"Mommy."A voice groaned after a few moments and she knows that it is Ava waking up from her nap.

"Yes, my love?"Cher whispered and Ava scratched her eyes.

"Whewe'th daddy?"Ava asked.

"He is with Chaz and Lijah."Cher answered.

"I want a pop tawt, mommy."Ava suddenly uttered and Cher let her sit on the counter.

"Chocolate?"Cher asked and Ava nodded that made Cher giggle.

"Let's microwave it first, okay?"Cher said and Ava nodded.

"Okay, mommy."Ava replied.

"Mom, where are you?"A voice yelled after a few moments.

"Kitchen!"Cher yelled and Chaz and Elijah suddenly arrived.

"This is Alessandra, by the way. Andy's daughter."Cher said and the two shook Alessandra's hand.

"Chaz."Chaz introduced himself.

"Elijah."Elijah uttered as he do the same and Alessandra smiled.

"Alessandra or just uhmm Ale."Alessandra said softly and the two nodded with a smile.

"Lijah."Ava called for her brother and Elijah carried her right away.

"How was your talk?"Cher asked.

"It was good, mom. Relax."Chaz answered and Cher rolled her eyeballs at him.

"Alright, fine. I'm relaxed."Cher said and her two boys giggled.

"You guys really not staying for dinner?"Cher asked.

"Sorry, mom, we have some errands to run."Chaz answered and Cher nodded.

"Okay, okay, see you guys on Christmas."Cher said and the two nodded as they kiss their mother's cheek.

"Bye, bye!"Ava uttered as Chaz and Elijah leave and the two kissed their sister's forehead before leaving.

"They are your kids, right?"Alessandra asked and Cher nodded with a hum.

"Sorry, I haven't introduced them properly, they have works to do so they wanted to leave right away."Cher asked.

"It's fine, they seem nice."Alessandra said and Cher nodded.

"Yes, they are nice."Cher said with a smile.

"This rub is good to go but it's dad's turn."Alessandra said after a few moments and Cher softly giggled.

"I'll just cook pasta. Do you guys want pasta?"Cher asked and Alessandra nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, my sisters and I love pasta and also Bones, he seriously love pasta."Alessandra answered and the two of them laughed.

"Hey, how you guys doing?"A voice asked and it is Andy.

"I finished the sauce and the rub, dad. Time for you to cook."Alessandra answered.

"Where are the boys?"Cher asked as Andy walk towards Ava.

"They are already tired of swimming. I already helped them take a shower and they are now in the playroom."Andy answered.

"Cher helped with the sauce, by the way. We are sure you'll love it."Alessandra uttered and Andy smiled.

"Really?I will surely love it because the two of you made it."Andy said and his two girls laughed.

"Looks like my baby girl is enjoying her pop tarts."Andy said and Ava looked up at him.

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