BMS - 51

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For the rest of the night, Cher just can't focus on the party anymore because of everything that she heard and Andy noticed that. He noticed that she's been spacing out.

"Baby,"Andy called for her as he rub her back.

"Huh?What?"Cher asked, looking at him blankly.

"You okay?"Andy asked and Cher slowly nodded.

"O-Of course. Just getting tired."Cher answered and Andy kissed her cheek.

"Wanna go home now, baby?"Andy asked and Cher suddenly saw the two women she saw earlier.

"Uhhmm y-yeah. I'm sorry."Cher answered and Andy smiled.

"It's fine, baby."Andy answered and he interwined his hands with hers.

"Andy!"A voice called for him all of a sudden that made him spun around.

"Chris!"Andy exclaimed.

"Meeet him first."Cher whispered.

"How are you?You enjoying the party?"Chris asked and it made Cher's eyes go round when the woman who is claiming that she slept with Andy stood beside him.

"Yes, we are. By the way, this is my wife, Cher."Andy said and Cher shook Chris' hand.

"And this is my girlfriend, Alyssa Johnson."Chris uttered and Andy shook her hand first.

"Hi, nice to meet you."Andy said with a smile.

"Hi."Cher said softly before shaking her hand.

"I didn't know you got married, Andy."Chris said and Andy giggled.

"Well, there are things that have to be done privately before shouting it to the world."Andy said with a giggle.

"Alyssa is a fan, by the way. We watch your movies so much."Chris uttered and Cher just unconsciously wrapped Andy's arm around her waist.

"Oh wow, thank you so much. I'm flattered."Andy said with a smile.

"And I don't know if it's okay but I watch your movie with my little baby."Alyssa uttered that made Cher's eyes go round and Andy nodded with a smile.

"Depends on what movie you're watching but thank you, really."Andy said softly.

"By the way, we need to go home. It is getting late and the kids might still be awake."Andy uttered.

"You guys have kids already?"Chris asked.

"Yes, aside from my kids from my first wife, Cher and I have our twins."Andy answered.

"Oh, my God, that's amazing!"Chris exclaimed and Andy and Cher nodded with a smile.

"Okay, take care. Let's hang out some time."Chris said.

"Sure, sure. Just call me."Andy said and the next thing they know, they are out of the party.

"Baby, are you really okay?"Andy asked Cher as they settle in the car.

"Yes. I am just really tired."Cher answered and Andy kissed her forehead.

"When we get home, remove your make-up, change your clothes then get some sleep, okay?"Andy said and Cher nodded before resting her head on Andy's shoulder.

It is the day after the party and Andy got out of the house early, leaving her with the kids but she called the twins' nanny for she have a lunch date with Meryl who just got back from New York.

"How is married life?"Meryl asked after they ordered their food.

"It is great. Just shocking that you are somebody's wife, like I never thought that it is different from just two person who have a relationship living together."Cher answered that made Meryl laugh.

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