BMS - 37

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Once their tents are all set-up, the adults just thought of the kids. Pierce is the one who volunteered to set up their cooking area, Meryl will do the cooking while Andy and Cher are keeping the kids entertained with playing with rocks by the lake, they're looking for some small animals that they can find, and just running around.

"Daddy, wook at this wock."Andres suddenly uttered as he walk towards his father.

"Thewe is uhmm a smaww snaiw."Andres uttered and Andy smiled.

"Oh, yes, there is."Andy said as he gently touch the snail that's sitting on it.

"Daddy, look what Bey Bey and I made for mommy!"Ava suddenly uttered and Andy looked at her little daughter right away.

"We made uhmm a crown using leaves."Beatrice explained and Andy smiled.

"It looks beautiful. You girls should make the same for yourself, too."Andy said and Ava started picking up leaves again.

"We will make one fow auntie Mewyl and then fow me and Bey Bey."Ava uttered and Andy softly giggled.

"If you say so, my love."Andy said with a smile.

"Mommy, you wook beautifuw."Andres uttered and Cher looked at him.

"Really?"Cher asked and Andres nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, my love, you're so sweet."Cher said and he kissed Andres on the lips.

"How about a kiss on my lips?"Andy suddenly asked and Cher rolled her eyeballs at her.

"Shut up."Cher answered and Andy laughed.

"You kiss daddy, mommy."Andres intervened and Cher's eyes went round.

"No, baby."Cher said and Andres frowned.

"You kiss just wike unwe Piewce and auntie Mewyl."Andres retorted.

"But we are not married like them."Cher said.

"But you have babies and that's me and Tewwy."Andres uttered and Andy just laughed at Cher and Andres' argument.

"And so what if we have babies?"Cher asked.

"You kiss so that you wee have anothew baby."Andres answered and Cher's forehead creased.

"Who told you that?"Cher asked almost a shout.

"Benjamin towd me."Andres answered and Cher did a facepalm.

"And you think that mommy and daddy will have another baby if we kiss?"Cher asked and Andres nodded with a hum.

"Yes, mommy, because uhmm uhmm I want anothew baby bwothew."Andres answered that made Cher's eyes went round.

"Mommy, can't have a baby anymore because mommy's already old and your dad and I are not even in a relationship."Cher said and Andres frowned.

"Don't be sad, buddy, you and Ava are mommy and daddy's babies."Andy intervened.

"Okay, daddy."Andres replied and he softly giggled.

"You go to Benjamin now."Cher said and Andres nodded before running away from them.

"God, they're growing up."Cher uttered as she watch her little boy run.

"You look beautiful with that crown. Suits you."Andy suddenly said and Cher looked at him with a smile.

"Thank you."Cher replied and Andy suddenly tucked some of her loose hair behind her ears.

"You really are beautiful."Andy whispered and he looked straight into her eyes.

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