BMS - 26

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In the twins' first year, Cher focused on them and them only even though she can't ignore the fact that she have a Las Vegas contract just waiting for her around the corner.

Ava and Andres are now a year and a half old and they are talkative as ever even if they're still having a hard time talking, they say what they want to say.

"Mommy, me don't wike my thithter."Andres suddenly uttered to Cher that made her eyes go round.

"Why?I thought you love your sister?"Cher asked.

"Yethterday mommy, wike her but today, no no."He answered that made Cher's forehead crease.

"That's not nice, Fanny, you should love your sister because you and Telly share everything. You are twins, my love."Cher explained as he carry him to her bed.

"Just stay there, I'll change your sister's clothes and we'll go to Bob."Cher said and her little boy just nodded.

"Telly, come here."Cher said as she sit at the edge of the bed and her little girl ran to her.

"Mommy, Fanny thaid I'm ugwy."Ava suddenly uttered and Cher looked at Andres.

"Fanny, that's not nice. You look like each other, how can your sister be ugly?"Cher asked ans the little boy looked down.

"Thowwy, mommy."Andres said and Cher smiled.

"Stop being mean to your sister, Fanny."Cher said as she start chaging Ava's clothes.

Once her twins are ready, she also prepared herself and the twins' bag, and they're off to her meeting with Bob Mackie.

"Mommy, I want to down."Andres suddenly uttered and Cher carefully dropped Andres on his feet while she carry Ava. She held Andres' hand with her free hand and they entered Bob's studio right away.

"Wow, looks like the twins are going out more often."Bob uttered as he kiss Cher's cheek.

"They're getting bored at home so, yeah, time to bring them out."Cher said with a giggle.

"Ava's so beautiful. I would love to design something for her."Bob uttered.

"I know she is. Can you do that?Because it's almost their second birthday so I'm really looking forward on something."Cher said as she carefully drop Ava on her feet.

"Of course. Just tell me if you will allow her to dress up like Cher."Bob said and the two of them laughed.

"I think the Oscars 1985 look. Just kidding."Cher said as Bob grab the portfolio that he made for her Vegas residency.

"Right now, we are set for 12 costume changes but Dorian is requesting for more."Bob explained and Cher nodded.

"How many is more?"Cher asked.

"About three more."Bob answered and Cher licked her upper lip.

"So it is possible that we're going to have 15 costume changes?"Cher asked and Bob nodded with a hum.

"Are you meeting with Dorian today?"Bob asked.

"No, our meeting will be next week."Cher answered.

"Then I'll just try to make more sketches although we already started sewing for the approved sketches."Bob said and Cher nodded.

"Can I see them?"Cher asked and Bob smiled.

"Of course."Bob answered and Cher looked around.

"Wait, where are my twins?"Cher asked and she heard giggles.

"Telly?Fanny?"Cher called for them and she suddenly saw them under a table playing with sequins and beads.

"Hey, you two, how did you get under there?"Cher asked and the twins crawled from under the table before standing up.

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