BMS - 25

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White ceiling and just total silence. That welcomed Cher after her sleep that felt like forever. She tried her best to look around the room, and there, she saw her mom, her sister and her best friend.

"Mom."She uttered and Georgia stood up right away.

"Hey, honey, you need anything?"Georgia asked and she gently shook her head.

"The twins?"Cher asked right away.

"They will be here in a few moment."Georgia answered and she smiled.

"Can someone adjust my bed?I wanna sit up."Cher said and they adjusted her bed right away.

"Hi, Cheralini. What are you feeling?"Paulette asked as she sit at the edge of her bed.

"Hurts down there, I can't believe two babies came out of my vagina."Cher answered and they all just started laughing. They suddenly heard soft knocks that made them stop, and two nurses came in while pushing each of the twins' cribs with a light attached onto it.

"Oh, they're here."Gee Gee said as she look at her new niece and nephew.

"They are so adorable."Pauly uttered and a nurse carried her little boy to her.

"So, we're here to guide you in breastfeeding them. It is their first time so don't panic if they don't drink right away, it will take some time."The nurse explained as she slowly take her little boy into her arms.

"Hi, sweetheart. You look so handsome."Cher whispered.

Cher tried to breastfeed her little boy and at first, she is having some difficulties for he doesn't want to drink, but minutes passed and he just started drinking milk from her mommy.

"So what we are doing right now is, we don't want your twins to feel the urge to drink milk at the same time. As early as now, we are creating a dynamic where one of them will have to wait."The nurse explained and Cher is just nodding.

"But is there going to be a time where they will get hungry at the same time?"Georganne suddenly asked.

"Yes, we can't avoid that situation. And the best way to somehow handle that situation is to have reserved breastmilk in bottles."The nurse explained.

When her little boy finished, they brought him back to his crib and it is her little girl's turn.

"You're so beautiful."Cher whispered and it made her smile because her little girl is not like her brother, she started drinking from her mother right away, but with a little guidance.

"What are you naming them?"Paulette suddenly asked and she softly giggled.

"She is Ava Estelle and my little boy is Andres Estefan."Cher answered and Paulette smiled because even if Cher experienced a lot of pain from her relationship and break-up with Andy, she still wanted him to be somehow included in her twins' lives.

"Those are cute names."Pauly uttered and and Cher just smiled at her.

Cher stayed in the hospital with her twins for three days, and when they got home, she recieved many well-wishes from her friends. Cher also have her nanny that helps her look after the twins. At first, she is having a hard time balancing things between the twins and some of her work, but when she got the hang of it, she's not even complaining, she just enjoy every moment of it.

"Benjamin, stop pinching Telly's cheek, she's sleeping."Meryl said for their family is finally visiting Cher, and it is the first time since she gave birth that she saw the twins.

"Because mommy her cheeks are squishy."Benjamin retorted and Cher laughed.

"You can play with them when they wake up from their nap Benjamin."Cher said and Benjamin frowned.

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