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Gaga is perfectly balanced holding two very large gift bags in each hand. She hurries through the picturesque white-picket fenced, suburban yard and maneuvers quickly through the flowery walk way in her 6 inch stilettos. The door swings open just as a husband and wife duo say their goodbyes to a beautiful sandy blonde women who immediately notices Gaga. "Stef? Hi!" Lilly embraces Gaga in a tight hug just as the husband and wife nod a quick hello. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know, I'm late, I just landed and-" 

"Oh my God, no worries, come in, come in!" Gaga hands her the gift bags as she enters the quaint home that always smells like baked goods. "You shouldn't have, you spoil them too much." 

"Oh please! They are my god children, I get to do whatever I want. That's the rules. Lil, please, tell me they are still awake." Gaga heard squealing and she booked it for the living room. "Monkies..." her happiness died down when she turned the corner seeing Bradley holding the twins dangerously above his head. "Oh great, baby's first birthday comes with baby's first concussion. Give me them, you brut!" Bradley looks at the tiny woman angrily clicking her heels his way. 

"Oh cool, you guys hired a clown!" Bradley joked as the babies were taken from him. He rolls his eyes and scoffed as he sat down on the couch turning up the football game. 

"Don't mind him, you know he has incurable douche bag syndrome." 

"Hi Henry!" Gaga did her best to hug her friend while holding the twins. She sat down, knowing she was unable to juggle both chubby babies. "I'm sorry I'm late. I just landed."

"Typical." Bradley mumbled while shoving cake into his mouth. Gaga ignores him and kisses the twins, breathing them in to make up for lost time. The twins reward her with giant smiles and giggles. She starts to sing a sultry happy birthday to the twins as they stare up at her, utterly captivated by her melody, causing Bradley to briefly tune in but immediately tuning back out to the game when she stopped. He turned the TV even louder. She rolled her eyes as Lilly came back into the room. 

"Stef, cake? I'm afraid we don't have any catering left over." Lilly cleared her throat pointing in Bradleys direction, trying to hold back a laugh.

Gaga rolled her eyes. "Yes, cake sounds wonderful and no worries, not everyone has self control or manners." Lilly and Gaga take the babies into the kitchen catching up about the party and how much the babies have grown.

Henry punches Bradley's shoulder. "What the hell's the matter with you? Honestly, why are you such a dick?"

Bradley chokes on his cake, making no moves wipe the frosting from around his lips. "Me?! She's the one that started it. She always takes digs at me."

"Actually, you're typically the instigator." Henry runs his hands through his hair in frustration. It's just crazy because I know you. You're the nicest guy in the world. I don't even let you stay in the same room as Lilly  for too long."

"Well, that you have wrong. You're my number one man, best friend, I would never do that. You and Lilly and those little boogers mean the world to me. What I don't understand is how you two can be friends with such a stuck up bitc-"


"They're not even in this room! I cannot be censored all day! All I'm saying is she isn't my favorite person. I don't have to like her."

"Shame. I really thought our best friends would get along. We've known you both for so long. It's just still mind boggling. In all honestly we really thought you'd even try to get along at least for the babies sake."  

"Look, I took her out.Remember?" Bradley continued to talk with a mouth full of cake. "When we found out we were their god parents. That was a good gesture. That was pretty fucking nice of me."

"You picked her up on your bike without warning."

"But I took her to a nice meal-"

"A Taco Stand in east LA."

"-and I was the perfect gentleman."

"I believe she said you ended the night with want to bang this out or what?" Henry pronounces in his best Bradley Cooper impression. Bradley laughs remembering the night. He uses a burping bib to wipe his mouth.

"I only did that because she made me wait 20 minutes before she was ready, then said I eat like an animal. I was being funny!! It was the shortest date I've ever been on and I don't mean her height, but come to think about it that too."

Henry laughs. "Just promise me you'll attempt being nice. Can you do that? Is that even physically possible for you?"

"I'll try but, physically possible to be nice? That we may never know." Bradley sarcastically states. 

The women heard the men laugh from the kitchen. "Ugh, why is he even here!" Gaga rolled her eyes smoothing out Ava's hair. 

Lilly laughed pouring them both tea. "He might seem like a jerk but you'd be surprised. He is Henry's best friend, you know this and I honestly am shocked you two don't get along." 

"Are you? Are you shocked? He's a vile, womanizing, typical actor, who thinks he's God's gift to everyone." "Gaga lists and getting angry at even the thought of him.

"He is none of those things, that's just want you assume. Or I guess he does seem to be especially rude when he's around you. Just a little flirty banter., I guess"

"Flirty banter?! He literally said if I kept my mouth shut I'd be close to fuckable last Christmas."

Lilly burst out laughing, knowing that Bradley only said that to get under her skin. "Language, please!"

"Sorry babies. Come here, Jackson. Let's switch, I need optimal baby time." Lilly helps her switch, smiling at her best friends stubborn ways.

"Promise me you'll try to get along. I cannot believe my babies are one year old. There will be lots of milestones and they will need all the support they can get from you two. You're our family. Love you like a sister." Gaga leans in and hugs her friend.

"I promise...for you...I'll try."

Bradley barges in to the kitchen with his arm around Henry with pleading eyes. "One drink, that's it. I'm begging. Please, Lilly!"

She looks at Gaga. "He wants to celebrate Henry's One Year of Baby Hell." 

"Charming." She sarcastically ignores them, lulling Jackson to sleep. Henry and Bradley pleaded with Lilly.

"Go for it. The babies are going to bed anyways and Stef brought my favorite wine. Kiss your kids goodnight." Henry kisses Lilly and then the babies. Bradley does the same but ignoring Gaga altogether and leaving the house.

Bradley revs up his motorcycle yelling, "Let's go!!!" Henry quickly hugs Gaga and runs out the door like a teenager with a curfew.

"Look, I said I'd promise, but why does he have to make it so difficult!" Lilly pours wine smiling at the her friend, thinking you have no idea how similar you two really are. 

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