The Storm

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Like all things that are new and shiny, the true test of time is whether that bright shiny thing can survive through even the rainiest of days. They can only be as strong as their lowest point. Bradley and Gaga were a little blinded by their beautiful affection. 

"So, you auditioned?" Bradley's brow furrowed as he removed his jacket and took off his shoes. Dada! "Hi monkeys!" Bradley grabbed both twins running towards him as he sat down next to Gaga who was meticulously folding laundry to avoid the questions that followed.

"Yes. I told Ryan that I wanted to get the whole treatment but I kind of think he is going to give me the part anyways."

"That's great, really, I'm proud of you. I know you wanted to step into acting more." Bradley didn't know how much he could press but he had more questions. "Sorry, and it's for a vampire role? On a  horror show?"

"Countess, darling. Hi." She finished folding and leaned in to kiss Bradley who had Ava climbing over his head and Jackson's feet on his face.

"Hi." He kissed back still confused. "And it films here in LA." She nodded, placing the clothes back into the basket. "And there's nudity?"

"There will be."

"And you didn't think you should've discussed this with me before you auditioned?"

"No." She rolled her eyes.

"How much nudity? Is he just doing it to do it, is the script any good-"


"What, I'm just trying to process all the words that come out of your mouth the minute I walked through the door." Bradley rubbed his eyes, opening them just to see her figure disappear around the corner with the laundry basket. "Stef. Stefani!" They had fought the day before when Bradley told her the twins don't need to start pre-school early. Gaga heard from friends that this was the next step as the twins were rearing to turn two. This caused a little tension between the two. Both quickly learning that they had different points of view on raising the kids. The rest of the day and into their current day was filled with mini-disagreements. Bradley looked over a the twins who sat watching him, judging him. "Don't look at me like that." 

Since arriving late, Bradley ate dinner alone as he caught up on NFL highlights. He listened to the light giggles of the twins during their bath time and decided to clean up and catch them before they finished. Bradley ran up the stairs and saw Stefani holding Jackson on the counter, drying him off. He pulled her to her chest helping her and kissing the side of her head. "Don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you, Bradley, I'm just frustrated that you keep fighting me."

"I'm not fighting you-" He felt her go stiff. "-I'm not trying to fight you." He held her tighter, kissing her cheek. "We're just off, that's all. Everything is fine." Uh-oh. Both turn to see an empty toilet paper roll and a naked Ava wrapped in the remnants. After the kids fell asleep, Gaga laid in bed in the dark cold sheets while Bradley finished a phone call. She had just fallen asleep when she heard the faucet turn off and Bradley turn the bathroom lights off. He crawled into bed and watched her thinking how can someone so small make him feel so good and as of recently make him completely mad. He slowly drifted over and began to kiss her shoulder, leaving a trail of wet kisses. 

"B, not tonight."

His hand rolled down her shoulder, over her breasts, to lean on the mattress. "Are you still mad? Well, fuck, it feels weird going to bed with you mad at me that last few nights, especially when you didn't even want to talk about it earlier-" Gaga turned and held his head, crashing her lips into his. 

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